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family planning services

Italy passes even harsher ban against surrogacy, punishes seeking services abroad

The new law punishes those who travel outside the country to make surrogacy arrangements, even if they travel to places where the services are legal.

Family planning and fertility services grind to halt in Alabama after devastating ruling

Family planning services in Alabama have been completely upended by an unprecedented and unscientific state Supreme Court ruling.

Trump Signs Order But Drops 'License to Discriminate'

The order instead aims to expand political speech by churches and allow denial of family planning services, both of which are likely to negatively affect LGBT people -- and lays the groundwork for potential further discrimination.


Global AIDS Plan Gets New Addition

A lobbyist discusses the reauthorization process of PEPFAR, the largest commitment by a nation to combat a single disease, and how the new bill has expanded its focus and increased funds by up to $33 billion.

Obama to Remove Abstinence Requirement for HIV Funding

President-elect Barack Obama plans to overhaul the Bush administration's international family planning and AIDS prevention funding policy, which excludes abortion and strictly supports abstinence-only education.

Wanna Defund Planned Parenthood, Trump? Ask Pence How That Went

The president is playing a dangerous game by threatening this vital resource, writes Brian Tashman of People for the American Way.

Gay Senior: Funeral Home Refused to Bury My Husband

An 82-year-old man is taking action against a funeral home that allegedly said it did not "deal with their kind."

Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Unconscionable

Such a move would be disastrous for low-income women and girls -- and men too, says West Hollywood City Council member Lindsey Horvath.

Here's what Democrats promise to do for LGBTQ+ people in their 2024 platform

The DNC has released its full platform for the next four years, which features dozens of policies that would improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people.

Kelley Robinson, Black Queer Woman, Is New Human Rights Campaign Head

Robinson is a veteran political organizer who comes to HRC from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Matt Gaetz: LGBTQ+ Folks Should Oppose Abortion So They Can Adopt Kids

But the Human Rights Campaign's Sarah Warbelow pointed out that no one should be forced to give birth in order to provide someone else with a child.

LGBT Groups: 'Religious Freedom' Order May Still Be Used to Discriminate

Even though explicit anti-LGBT language was not in the final order, other provisions could enable discrimination, activists say.

Biden Admin Doesn't Appeal Texas Anti-Trans Ruling; Ken Paxton's Happy

The administration likely has another strategy in the works to assure that employers don't discriminate against trans workers, legal experts say.