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The Advocates 2024: Ally and activist Willie Nelson

The country legend has always stood up for what he believes in, and his recent queer-themed cowboy duet with Orville Peck proves it.

Trump Brags About Aid Efforts While Puerto Ricans Bathe in Rivers

In Comerio, a mountainous farming municipality in the central part of the U.S. territory, people say they have yet to see any aid from the government.

Letters From Southern Africa: Home Visit

Peace Corps volunteer Zachery Scott heads into the bush to visit with families.

Ex-cop accused of killing gay TV presenter and his boyfriend faces new charges

Beau Lamarre-Condon is accused of killing Jesse Baird and Luke Davies in February.

GOP senator Larry Craig resigns over sex sting

Idaho senator Larry Craig resigned Saturday over a men's room sex sting, bowing to pressure from fellow Republicans worried about a scandal dimming their election prospects.

Police find bodies of murdered reporter Jesse Baird and his boyfriend

The couple had been missing for over a week, and Baird’s cop ex-boyfriend is the prime suspect.

Barry Manilow reminisces about early gay bathhouse performances with Bette Midler

The formative performances at gay bathhouses helped launch the careers of both superstars.

B&B; Owner to Lesbian Mom: God Invented AIDS to Punish Gays

The owners took to Facebook to insult a lesbian woman who commented on a sign outside their bed and breakfast.

Why we will never have another president like Jimmy Carter again

We’re likely to never again see a president as kind, simple, and honest as Carter, and that’s why his death stings so much, writes John Casey.

Gus Kenworthy's Advice for YouTube on Hate Speech

The Olympian shared hateful YouTube comments about himself, prompting officials with the platform to apologize. But they could do more, Kenworthy says.

13 LGBTQ+ scientists you should know

From the first woman in space to recent Nobel Prize winners, we're celebrating some of the queer pioneers who have expanded our knowledge across the years.

Op-ed: We're Not in 1984 Anymore, Toto

Hollywood has often played a role in opening minds and moving society forward, but its lack of modern and accurate portrayals of people living with HIV is a root cause of stigma and misconception.

Meet 'The Advocates' of 2024

'The Advocates' list celebrates 10 artists, activists, and allies who are dedicated to making the world a better place for all.

Why I'm Doing the AIDS Walk: For My Mother and New York

Everyone has personal reasons for raising money for HIV causes. This is Alexander Cheves's.

Kim Jackson & Torrey Harris Make LGBTQ+ History in Southern Elections

Georgia's Kim Jackson and Tennessee's Torrey Harris broke the rainbow ceiling.


Robert Cromey, ally priest who performed San Francisco's first same-sex church weddings, dies

Cromey was a pre-Stonewall advocate of LGBTQ+ rights and joined Dr. Martin Luther King on his March to Selma.

Are These Companies Discriminating Against PrEP Users?

Huge -- and seemingly LGBT-friendly -- insurance companies refuse to sell policies to people taking preventative HIV medication. Why?


Beach, beach, beach

Headed for a holiday in the sun and sand? Make sure to pack one of these hot summer titles in your tote bag.