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fda guidelines for blood donation

Gay & Bisexual Men Now Eligible to Donate Blood Under New FDA Policies

The agency has moved toward risk-based assessments as opposed to discriminatory bans based on gender or sexual orientation.

HRC Blasts FDA's Revised Blood Ban

Civil rights groups say the FDA's new guidelines are 'unacceptable' for retaining restrictions on blood donations by sexually active gay and bisexual men. And for transgender donors, there's also a change in the works.


Turned Away for Being Trans, Seattle Woman Sues Blood Bank

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration still categorizes transgender women as 'men who have sex with men,' meaning they're considered 'higher risk' in formal recommendations to blood banks.

Senators Urge Lifting of Restrictions on Gay and Bi Male Blood Donors

The senators' call comes as other countries lift deferral periods on blood donations by queer men --France and Greece did so this week.

Log Cabin Wrongly Credits Trump With Easing Gay Blood Ban

Trump says he had no role in easing donation restrictions, but Log Cabin stands by its praise for him.

Attorneys General: Lift Restrictions on Blood Donations by Gay, Bi Men

The recent liberalization of the policy is a good move but doesn't go far enough, they say.

Politician Hit With Antigay Robocalls After His Plasma Was Rejected

Florida voters are receiving texts saying Shevrin Jones "was discriminated against for recent homosexual contact."

FDA Updates Blood Donation Rules Opening Path for More Gay Donors

All prospective donors who report having a new sexual partner or anal sex in the last three months will have to defer donations for three months.

The FDAs Lesser Known Insult is a Ban on Gay Sperm Donors

The FDA not only bans gay and bi men from giving blood, they actively discourage them from donating sperm. Will the agency ever change its ways?

U.K. Could Jump Further Ahead of U.S. on Gay Blood Ban

Gay and bisexual men are still banned for life from donating blood in the U.S.

Gay Man Turned Away From Blood Center, Despite Passing Screenings

COVID-19 survivor Lukus Estok has antibodies in his blood that can save lives, but a blood center in New York City doesn't think it's good enough. 

WATCH: How 7 Feet of Gay Blood Became Political Art

Blood Mirror by Jordan Eagles is a 7-foot-tall sculpture designed as a protest to the FDA's discriminatory blood donation policy.

President Biden, Immediately Allow Gay and Bi Men to Donate Blood

The president should demonstrate his commitment to LGBTQ+ equality by ending this antiquated rule.

Gay Man Is Rejected as Organ Donor

After his death, Rohn Neugebauer was declared ineligible to become an organ donor -- by the organization he helped raised funds for in life -- because of his sexual orientation.

​What Are the New Guidelines for Gay and Bi Men Donating Blood?

The discriminatory blood ban based on sexual orientation is over, but what does that mean?

FDA Will Relax Blood Donor Restrictions on Gay, Bisexual Men

The new guidelines eliminates the gendered-language in the current blood donation questionaire.

Gay Senator Rejected at Blood Center Despite FDA Guideline Change

As many blood centers scramble to update guidelines, New York State Sen. Brad Hoylman is urging an end to any abstinence period for gay and bi men.

Sculpture Made of Gay Blood Is Going to Church

Blood Mirror, a scuplture protesting the FDA's ban on gay male blood donors, is moving to an unexpected home.

FDA Updates Gay Blood Ban With Abstinence Plan

Gay and bi men in the U.S. can now donate blood -- as long as they haven't had sex with another man in the last 365 days. 


Twitter Takes a Stand on FDA's Gay Blood Ban

Twitter takes a stand against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's ban on accepting blood from men who have had sex with men. 

FDA Makes It Easier for Gay, Bi Men to Donate Blood

The FDA now recommends that gay and bi men be allowed to donate blood after three months of sexual abstinence, not 12 as previously allowed.
