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fear mongering

JD Vance admits to making up crazy stories to get press attention and says he'll continue doing it

Donald Trump’s running mate said he makes stuff up during a CNN interview.

JD Vance now says Haitian immigrants are spreading HIV after bizarre pet-eating claim flops

Donald Trump’s campaign is just going with unfettered racism now along with stoking fear and discrimination against those living with HIV.

Age-Old Fearmongering Lives On in Texas

The repeal of Houston’s anti-discrimination law hinged on familiar fear-mongering ('protect the children') and an age-old fanaticism: misogyny.

90K and Counting: Petition to Cancel Duggars' Show Grows

Signatures have increased hourly after publicity about the petition to cancel 19 Kids and Counting because of the Duggars' anti-LGBT stances.

The Next Year Is Going to Get Even Uglier. Courage Won't Be Optional

As FDR stated, we must battle fear, like the kind Trump is hoping will get him reelected and out of jail.

Bill Maher Compares Republican Politicians to Psychic Con Artists

'For a party that's so antigay, they sure pull a lot of stuff at of their ass,' Maher said.

AFA Wants Kids Pulled From School on Anti-Bullying Day

An event meant to encourage empathy and discourage bullying in schools is being demonized as an insidious plot to promote homosexuality.

Same-sex marriage ban rejected in Arizona in historic first

Arizona became the first state to defeat an amendment to ban same-sex marriage Tuesday, bucking a strong national trend by refusing to change its constitution to define marriage as a one-man, one-woman institution.

Russia's 'Gay Propaganda' Law Takes Effect in Crimea

Authorities have canceled a Pride march and are planning more serious measures to eradicate the 'experimental practice of sodomy' in Crimea, which recently voted to become part of Russia.

WATCH: Catholic Priest Raps for 'Ex-Gay' Myth

In a video titled "Yes to You," Father Pontifex raps in support of the myth that people can choose their sexual orientation.

Ad: Marriage Equality Will Cause Freedom's 'Extinction'

Same-sex marriage may destroy America, says a scare-tactic ad by the Family Research Council.

Transgender Day of Visibility is the day to elevate the voices of the marginalized (exclusive)

As the world pauses to acknowledge Transgender Day of Visibility, it’s important to understand that representation matters.

State Leadership Proves Transphobia Is Bigger in Texas

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and beleaguered Attorney General Ken Paxton are both backing North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory’s efforts to defend his state’s transphobic House Bill 2. 

Duggars Declare Victory in Repealing Pro-LGBT Ordinance

A special election in Fayetteville, Ark., saw voters repeal the city's LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination ordinance by a margin of 52 percent to 48 percent.

Trans NBC Star Slams Network for Giving Trump a Platform in Town Hall

"Don't praise yourselves for putting a trans woman on primetime then give a platform to someone who wants to abolish my rights," said Connecting's Shakina Nayfack.

Ted Haggard Takes Another Man

The Ted Haggard saga continues -- this time with the announcement there was another man, one the New Life Church paid off. Will the vicious cycle ever end?

Pete Buttigieg Claps Back at Trump With Chinese Proverb

The gay Democratic contender responded to a taunt made by Donald Trump at a campaign event in Florida.

If Orlando Was a Presidential Test, Voters Picked Clinton

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is trusted far more than her Republican opponent, according to a new poll.

GOP Sen. Wonders: Which Bathroom for Trans Troops?

Conservative Republican Senator Jim Inhofe expressed confusion about which bathroom transgender troops would use once the ban is lifted against transgender Americans serving openly in the military.

An Antigay Assault Threatens Marriage Equality in Taiwan

Even though it's settled here, the marriage battle rages on across the globe -- and the movement needs your help, Evan Wolfson writes.