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feminist publisher

The Advocates 2024: Poet and activist Dr. Cheryl Clarke

The lesbian poet, essayist, scholar, and educator's career and activism have been going strong for over four decades.

Remembering Conservative Lesbian Florence King

Her subject matter ran the gamut: politics, British royalty, Southern hospitality, and everyday life.

Jeanne Cordova Remembered: 'Butch Chicana Lesbian Feminist Outlaw'

Before she died, Cordova donated $2 million to the Astraea Lesbian Foundation.

Take a Tour of the Nation's Historic LGBT Landmarks

Take a virtual tour of the sites where Truman Capote, Bayard Rustin, the Furies Collective, and more made LGBT history.

Hulu's 'Handmaid's Tale' Cast Bizarrely Eschews the Label 'Feminist'

Elisabeth Moss and costars of Hulu's version of The Handmaid's Tale comments have rankled fans of the novel.

Celebs, Feminists Stand in Solidarity With Trans Women & Girls

Leaders in advocacy, business, entertainment, media, politics, and social justice have signed on to an open letter for Transgender Day of Visibility and Women's History Month.

Dorothy Allison, revered and award-winning lesbian feminist author, has died

Allison was the acclaimed author of Bastard Out of Carolina, Cavedweller, and more.

Lesbian-Feminist Press Firebrand Books' Former Home Now a Landmark

The esteemed publisher's onetime headquarters has been designated a local historic landmark in Ithaca, N.Y.

NLGJA Announces 2012 Awards

The organization will present awards at the UNITY 2012 Convention on August 3.

Kristen Stewart to play lesbian astronaut Sally Ride in 1st lead TV role

Kristen Stewart is headed to outer space in this new limited series.

My Mother Tried to Stab My Queer Lover With a Steak Knife

Chef Rossi recounts a tale of tough love from her memoir, The Raging Skillet.

Op-ed: An Open Letter to The New Yorker

When The New Yorker took a look at the tension between transgender women and radical feminists, one writer says the examination was unfair.

Simone de Beauvoir Novel Called 'Too Intimate' to Finally Be Published

Les Inseparables, written 75 years ago, tells of an intense friendship between Beauvoir and another young woman. 

Empires that won't fall

A short film was recently pulled from San Francisco's Frameline film festival because it was said to reinforce transphobic stereotypes articulated in Janice Raymond's 1979 book Transsexual Empire. The question is, How has her oversimplified thinking survived?

This Woman Says She Was Fired for Being Lesbian

The former Feminist Press staffer has filed a $3.5 million lawsuit alleging discrimination and wrongful termination.


Between The Lines With Bookish Lesbians

Bookish lesbians found one another in the queer bookstores of an earlier era -- and they also discovered community there. 

Meet 'The Advocates' of 2024

'The Advocates' list celebrates 10 artists, activists, and allies who are dedicated to making the world a better place for all.

Pride & Prayers: have churches truly become safe spaces for queer folks?

After facing hate and threats, a queer pastor left the church for new pastures. Now, some communities of faith are embracing LGBTQ+ inclusion, celebrating Pride, and protesting for our rights. Will this newfound acceptance truly welcome all?

50 States, 50 Heroes

Fifty current queer leaders tell us who their state's LGBT hero is. Who's yours?

Feminist Icon and Author Kate Millett Dies

The writer of the benchmark 1970s book Sexual Politics has died at age 82.