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Hockey Is Cracking Down on Cancer Support and Native Heritage After Banning Pride

Following the NHL's crackdown on Pride nights, players now risk fines if they show support for other causes such as Indigenous Heritage and Hockey Fights Cancer.

LGBTQ ‘Immoral Acts’ to Be Fined in Indonesian City

Human Rights Watch condemned the move as unconstitutional as it's an attempt to codify Sharia law.

First Russian Fined for 'Gay Propaganda'

Nikolai Alexeyev, a prominent gay activist in Russia, has become the first person fined for the new crime of spreading gay "propaganda," the Associated Press reports.

A Russian court fined Alexeyev $170 for violating the new law. He said he plans to appeal. The judge in the case has not yet presented the grounds for the decision but expects to release the information next week.

A Fine Tune

With Pitch Perfect, his irreverent new comedy about a cappella singers, Avenue Q director Jason Moore creates another instant classic about outsiders.