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Meet Ben Trockman, the Disability Rights Activist Challenging the Status Quo

Almost 10 years ago, Trockman led the effort to get Congress to pass policies that ensured airplane travel for people with disabilities.

George Takei releases kids' book about his childhood in internment camp

My Lost Freedom tells the story of a shameful chapter in American history.

What Homophobic Hell Will the GOP Unleash on a Gay Frontrunner?

Excitement -- and anxiety -- about Pete Buttigieg's rise to the top.

The 11 Most Significant Presidents for LGBT Americans

It really does matter who's president, as evidenced by the actions of these men.

What People's Obsession With Hillary's 'Health' Says About Them

How little we've evolved from the Salem witch trials over 300 years ago.

The Electoral College: Why do we have it and how does it — or doesn't it — work

Here's why presidential candidates have to concentrate on a handful of swing states and why the winner of the popular vote doesn't always become president.

Find The Best LGBT-Friendly Hospitals In Your State

A record-breaking 464 hospitals nationwide were named LGBT healthcare leaders in the Human Rights Campaign's 2013 Healthcare Equality Index.