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gay cancer

How HIV/AIDS got its name − the words Americans used were steeped in science, stigma, and religious language

How people talked about and named the AIDS crisis shaped how it was viewed and either fostered or countered a culture of stigma, writes historian Anthony Petro.

What Gay, Bisexual Men Need to Know About Prostate Cancer

We have specific questions, namely about sex, that we need answered.

Who's Most Likely to Get Skin Cancer? Gay & Bi Men, That's Who

A new study indicates that gay and bisexual men are twice as likely as straight men to get skin cancer. The culprit? Indoor tanning.

Study: Gay, Bi Men Have Higher Skin Cancer Rates Than Straight Men

The largest study ever conducted about LGB people and skin cancer uncovers troubling results.

STUDY: Who's Risking Skin Cancer for a Tan?

The new findings from UCSF also reveal lesbians and bisexual women are avoiding tanning beds far more than straight women.

Gays smoking and the Jennings effect

In the wake of Peter Jennings' death from lung cancer, the quit-smoking program at New York's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center has had a dramatic increase in telephone calls. Can your quitting be an act of pro-gay activism?

Estrella de 'Hamilton' Javier Muñoz Es un Héroe Caritativo

Munoz esta utilizando sus numerosas identidades -- gay, Latino, VIH, sobreviviente de cancer, artista -- para crear su mejor trabajo hasta la fecha. 

The Digital Rectal Exam

A colonoscopy is recommended for all men over the age of fifty -- or earlier (age forty) for high- risk patients like African-Americans or men with a family history of prostate or colon cancer. Gay men should have a rectal exam beginning at age forty.

The Male Pap Smear

In a recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine, gay and bisexual men were found to have a significantly higher risk for developing anal cancer, over thirty-five times greater than the general population. HIV-positive men were estimated to be eighty times more likely to get it.

Why Gay Men Should Wear Pink Ribbons

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, one group is urging all LGBT people to join the fight for a cure.

This Cancer Is Killing Men. Where’s the Research?

There's a conspicuous silence surrounding prostate cancer.

The Terrifying Early Days of AIDS Chronicled in YA Book, 'VIRAL'

Ann Bausum's VIRAL is the first ever history of the AIDS pandemic written specifically for teen readers. Read an exclusive excerpt below.

Cancer Pink Clashes With the Rainbow Flag

The founder of the National LGBT Cancer Network notes a new study that found LGBT breast cancer survivors are put off by the dominance of "cancer-pink" in advocacy and doctor's offices.