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gay relationship

Ex-NFL player and husband open up about making history with gay age-gap relationship

Former football player Jeff Rohrer says his much younger husband "likes daddies."

Is Testosterone Sabotaging Gay Relationships?

The male sex drive doesn't have to ruin a good thing, our love and sex columnist writes. 

Anglican Leader Approves of Gay Relationships

In newly disclosed letters, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams (pictured) wrote that the Bible doesn't forbid same-sex relationships when there is a commitment similar to traditional marriages, a British newspaper reported Thursday.

Mormon Church Reaffirms Opposition to Gay Relationships

By placing the controversial policy in its missionary manual, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reaffirms its official status.

Gay Marriage, Monogamy, and the Lure of Open Relationships

How do queer men navigate an institution not designed for them? Therapist Michael Dale Kimmel offers clues in his new book, The Gay Man's Guide to Open and Monogamous Marriage. Check out an exclusive excerpt below.

16 Signs Your Gay Relationship Is Over

These warning signs deserve your attention.

The Special, Toxic Relationship Between Gays and Smoking

Many LGBT people, like our executive editor, used cigarettes to fit in and feel better. We're better than that, he writes.

STUDY: Gay Relationships Make You Happier

A new study finds that gay couples are more content with their relationships than their heterosexual counterparts.

Majority of Older Americans Support Gay Relationships

More than half of people over 55 say they find gay and lesbian relationships to be 'morally acceptable.'

Nigerian archbishop: Anglicans must not accept gay relationships

Nigerian archbishop Peter Akinola, a leader of Bible traditionalists in the Anglican world, says the ''the moment of decision is almost upon us'' about whether Anglican conservatives and liberals can stay together. In a statement Monday, Akinola said that theological conservatives cannot stand by as the U.S. Episcopal Church--the Anglican body in the United States--and the Anglican Church of Canada move toward full acceptance of gay relationships.

Op-ed: The Beautiful Relationship Between Gays and Cities

Gay people are often chided for gentrifying urban areas, but they rarely get commended for their vibrant contributions to them.

WATCH: Explaining U.K.-Scotland Relationship as Gay Romantic Comedy

A British director envisions the ongoing debate over the separation of Scotland from the United Kingdom as the relationship of a pair of bickering boyfriends. 

Morrissey's Gay Relationship Scrubbed From U.S. Edition of Autobiography

The stateside release of Morrissey's autobiography removes any mention of his two-year relationship with another man.

Gay Mayor Admits Relationships With Students, Won't Leave House Race

Alex Morse, running for Congress from Massachusetts, says all his relationships were consensual.

Police Say Man Killed Gay Lover, Burned Corpse To Hide Relationship

Authorities say the victim was shot in the neck before his body was burned.

Murdered Gay Philly Journalist and Suspect Had Relationship, Shared Drugs, Family Says

Suspect Robert Davis's relatives also say he told them journalist Josh Kruger had threatened blackmail.