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generation x

More Americans identify as LGBTQ+ than ever before, according to new Gallup poll

The increase is being driven by younger generations, according to the new poll.

Arkansas Supreme Court stays ruling preventing X gender markers on driver’s licenses

Trans, nonbinary, and intersexed residents are no longer able to accurately represent their gender identity.

California May Mandate Gender-Neutral Kids' Sections in Large Stores

"We should allow our kids to come to their own conclusion of how they will identify themselves," the bill's co-author said.

Op-ed: Do LGBTQ Marches Still Matter?

Once the ultimate display of protest, marches may already have been replaced by digital revolutions.

When gays attack

Why are some gay guys so mean? David Luc Nguyen looks for answers and finds Lindsay Lohan.

Less GOP and more LGBT — Gen Z is more likely to be queer than Republican, survey reveals

Members of Gen Z are more likely to be LGBTQ+ than they are to identify as Republican or as white Christians, according to a new survey from PRRI.

Shirtless Lil Nas X teases new song and album 'dreamboy' release

"Be patient, I'm fighting generational trauma," the rapper shared on social media.

Millions of These LGBTQ+ Americans Could Be Missing in Population Estimates

The professional counting of queer people misses a huge segment of our community.

Study: 1 in 3 LGBTQ Adults Believe a Formal Coming-Out Is Unnecessary

Tinder released a survey of its users that shows the impact of growing acceptance.

Op-ed: Don't Be Sore Winners on Marriage

As Republican leaders recognize the inevitability of marriage equality, let's be gracious in our victory, particularly as the fight for equality ensues in red states.

Pete's a Winner: The Meaning of the First Major Gay Prez Candidate

The out presidential candidate proved the line of progress is never straight.

7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBTQ+: Gallup Poll

The number of people who identify as LGBTQ+ has doubled over the last decade, according to the poll.

Patrick Stewart Announces He’s Straight, Eats Lots of Chicken Wings

The Star Trek: The Next Generation and X-Men star responded hilariously on Twitter after The Guardian incorrectly identified him as gay.

Poll: One-Third of 16-to-22-Year-Olds Identify as Gay or Bi

The figure is in contrast to a poll of baby boomers, of whom 88 percent identify as straight.

Incel Influencer Sneako’s Young Fans Yell ‘All Gays Should Die’ in Viral Video

Sneako confronts the echo of his own views in young fans.

It's True: More People Are Having Gay Sex

A new study shows that more people are now openly bisexual or sexually fluid.

LGBTQ+ Voters Fast-Growing Bloc, Will Transform Electoral Landscape

The rising percentage of LGBTQ+ voters is expected to be a boon to Democrats, according to a new study.

7 Reasons To Be Hopeful in 2015

While the world offers many examples of persecution and injustice, there are reasons to expect the next generation will be better off, and the next, and the next.