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georgia southern university

LGBTQ+ Georgia Southern University students protest what they call anti-queer decisions by the school

Hundreds of protestors filled the school's student center late Monday, claiming that "the university is showing an endorsement of restricting the rights of LGBTQIA+ people."

Bush slams N.J. marriage ruling on campaign trail

With the GOP doing badly in the polls in front of the midterm election, President Bush has turned to a favored political tool: gay bashing.

These Are the Nation's Most LGBTQ-Friendly Colleges, Universities

Campus Pride's list for this year includes schools from all over the nation, and separate lists highlight LGBTQ-welcoming community colleges and religious schools.

Georgia to Cover Gender-Affirming Care for State Workers Under Settlement of Lawsuit

Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund had sued on behalf of state employees denied coverage.

Georgia State Workers Sue Over Denial of Trans Health Care Coverage

The exclusion isn't just wrong, it's illegal, says the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Stop Saying the Deep South Is a Lost Cause

Black women saved us from Roy Moore, but even white men are open to change if the message is right.

Trans 'Queer Eye' Subject Sues Employer Over Health Care

Skyler Jay is hoping to bring trans-inclusive health care to the University System of Georgia. 

Sweeping 'License to Discriminate' Bill Proposed in Georgia

Sen. Greg Kirk's bill is based on one pending at the federal level and would even allow state employees to engage in anti-LGBT discrimination if it's faith-based.

Women Who Paved the Way: Author Carson McCullers

Today's queer woman to know was one of the greatest authors of the 20th century. 

The Perfect Storm Facing Black Men on HIV

Government neglect, unemployment, health and socioeconomic disparities, racism, homophobia, and stigma are all contributing to an escalating catastrophe.

ONE Archives Foundation's New Board Chair Brings an Inclusive Vision

The world's largest LGBTQ+ history repository must represent the stories of the whole community, says Chiedu Egbuniwe.

Atlanta the new mecca for black gays

The Atlanta region now is home to the biggest concentration of black same-sex couples in the South, with nearly as many as the Chicago area, which has more than four times as many blacks.

The Plight of an Asian Trans Man in Georgia Embodies ICE's Cruelty

Activists demand a prisoner be freed from the solitary confinement he's been held in for 15 months.

Trump Hopes for a Chance to Replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Supreme Court

Or Anthony Kennedy, sources say, as both LGBT-supportive jurists are in their 80s.

Likely Trump Supreme Court Pick a 'Religious Liberty' Champion

Neil Gorsuch lacks much of a record on LGBT rights, but his record in "religious objections" cases is cause for concern.

Anti-LGBTQ Activist Nominated to Run Office on Violence Against Women

Shannon Lee Goessling, Donald Trump's pick for the post, also lacks experience in addressing violence against women, activists say.

The Case for Judge J. Michelle Childs to Replace Justice Breyer

As a non-Ivy League Southerner who ruled in favor of LGBTQ+ rights, Childs would bring a sense of realism to SCOTUS.

This Is How Conservatives Manufactured an LGBTQ+ Rights Supreme Court Case

LGBTQ+ rights face a major setback in the United States, all because one woman wants to deny queer people a service that may have not been actually asked for in the first place.

How HIV/AIDS got its name − the words Americans used were steeped in science, stigma, and religious language

How people talked about and named the AIDS crisis shaped how it was viewed and either fostered or countered a culture of stigma, writes historian Anthony Petro.

Kim Davis's Lawyers Offer Free Legal Defense for N.C. Law

The Liberty Counsel offered its legal services to North Carolina—for free.