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girls like girls

Hayley Kiyoko Creates a Lesbian Romance for Teens

Based on her iconic music video of the same name, Kiyoko’s debut novel knocks a queer YA romance out of the park.

Anna Kendrick: 'I'm a Straight, Cis, Boringface McGee'

The Pitch Perfect star on her intimate new memoir, gay Camp fans, and secret lesbian lovers.

Kat Feller on High School Reunion

As one of the subjects of TV Land's new show High School Reunion, Kat Feller is reality TV's newest token lesbian. She talks to us about everything from coming out to bi-curiosity and hooking up on the show.

TV's Women-Helmed Horror Series May Help Prove They're the Best Fright Directors

Female directors have made some of the best horror films in recent years, and now TV is catching on with Black Rose Anthology. 

The Future Belongs to Ts Madison

The actress and reality star talks about crossing over into Hollywood. 

Why Hayley Kiyoko Says, 'I Will Always Sing About Girls'

The out pop star opens up about how the music industry treats her queerness.

Ohio Rejects Transgender Sports Ban

The Ohio House nixed a new version of the bill after the Senate OK'd it, meaning it most likely won't pass this year.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Anti-Trans Bill in Time for Pride

The Republican governor has taken hateful action against trans people. 

TS Madison slams Boosie BadAzz for walking out of 'The Color Purple' over queer romance

Boosie, whose oldest daughter is a lesbian, continues to denigrate LGBTQ+ women's relationships.

13 LGBTQ+ Books to Read and Enjoy Before Spring Is Over

Here are some of the most anticipated queer books that came out this spring!

Karen O

Karen O, the striking singer for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and queen of the new new wave, is an original in an industry crowded with picture-perfect clones. With the white-hot Show Your Bones CD new in stores and a tour under way, the critics' fave chatted about the girls she likes and the boys who like her.

29 Pop Songs About Bisexuality

Pop music has always been bisexual, or haven't you been paying attention? 

Jill Sobule Kissed a Girl First

More than a decade before Katy Perry "Kissed a Girl," Jill Sobule made waves with her song of the same name. Now she's back with a new studio album paid for by her fans.

Op-ed: Finally, Some Reliable Research on Trans Kids Like Mine

My child is a member of the first generation of kids allowed to live transgender lives from a very young age. Until now, we parents have been making it up as we go along.

Christian School Expels 8-Year-Old for Crush on Another Girl

Chloe was brought to tears by antigay actions from Rejoice Christian Schools in Oklahoma.

YouTube Star Ari Fitz Shows the Beauty in Androgyny

Ari Fitz doesn't care if you think she's a boy or a girl -- just don't put her in a box.