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golden girls

Kelly Clarkson Belts Golden Girls, Mary Tyler Moore, Cheers Themes

Clarkson kicked off the second season of her talk show with the theme songs to some classic sitcoms. 

Hey, Internet: Golden Girl Rue McClanahan Is Still Dead

Social media users are sharing the 'breaking news' of McClanahan's death -- which happened in 2010 -- by the thousands.

Hot Sheet: December 6, 2013

The top 10 entertainment and events highlights this week include Buck Angel, Stevie Nicks, Britney Spears, and the Golden Girls.

Look out, NRA: You're Next on the 'Gay Agenda'

A tweet gone viral, titled the "Gay Agenda," shows a rainbow-colored to-do list: "Legalize gay marriage," "Watch Golden Girls" and "Take down the NRA." 

Every 'Golden Girls' Episode Will Soon Be on Hulu

The deal marks the first time the beloved series can be viewed in its entirety on a single platform.

Designing Women Is on Hulu, But Has It Aged as Well as Golden Girls?

The other TV show about four wisecracking '80s women is a siren call for many gay men.

Op-ed: Why 'The Golden Girls' Never Lost Its Luster

Thirty years on, The Golden Girls is as popular as ever. It wasn't just the biting and topical humor, it was the unconventional family it depicted.

NYC Council Member Comes Out on Twitter

Bronx City Councilman James Vacca came out via Twitter on Friday with a Golden Girls joke.

LGBT Homeless Shelter Named for Golden Girl

Ground was broken in New York Monday for a new shelter for homeless LGBT youth, all thanks to the generosity of the late Golden Girl.

20 Moments That Changed LGBT Comedy Forever

From The Mary Tyler Moore Show, All in the Family, and The Golden Girls to more recent memories, these are the 20 most pivotal moments in television and film comedies for the LGBT community.

How the Gay Agenda Took Over TV

Matt Baume’s new book explores the fascinating relationship between queer history and the American sitcom.

The Golden Girls' Most Lasting Legacy

In an exclusive excerpt from Jim Colucci's book, Golden Girls Forever, the author describes how Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia paved the way for shows like Living Single and Looking.

Op-ed: The Golden Girls Retirement Plan

Could Dorothy, Blanche, Sophia, and Rose hold the key to comfort in your later years?

WATCH: OITNB Meets Golden Girls in This Brilliant Mashup

Here's the Orange is the New Black intro if you took out Regina Spektor and added The Golden Girls theme song. Thank you, Internet!

Drag Race's Elliott With 2 Ts Has a Message for Golden Girls Fans

The drag performer discusses her elimination and impersonation.

Gay Men's Chorus Visits Set, Nails 'Golden Girls' Parody (Video)

Now you can sashay your way on over to the DR2 Theatre in Union Square to catch the holiday edition of That Golden Girls Show! Puppet Parody.

Hollywood's Ageism and Homophobia Almost Killed 'Silver Foxes'

The creators of the Golden Girls-inspired show about LGBT seniors encountered a few hurdles. Here's their story.