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government documents

Tennesseans Can No Longer Update Gender Markers on Official Documents

As of July 1, only one’s sex assigned at birth as reflected on a birth certificate can be noted on identification documents in Tennessee.

Maddow: Russians May Be Controlling Our Government

There are connections between Donald Trump, Nigel Farange, Julian Assange, and ultimately, Vladimir Putin, the out MSNBC journalist posits in her latest salvo against the president.

Bradley Manning Acquitted of Aiding the Enemy

But the former Army intelligence officer could still serve up to 125 years in prison for 'espionage.'

Texas attorney general tells state agencies to ignore court orders on gender marker changes

Brad Pritchett, interim CEO of Equality Texas, said the move would “jeopardize the safety of the nearly 100 thousand trans people” who live in Texas.

Ghana Supreme Court suspends televised hearing on anti-LGBTQ+ legislation

The bill would outlaw all same-sex relations, and imprison those who identify as LGBTQ+ or form pro-LGBTQ+ groups.

Donald Trump’s government declares that transgender and nonbinary people don’t exist

The United States government no longer recognizes the existence of gender-expansive Americans after President Donald Trump signed an executive order only hours after being sworn into office again.


Manning Receives 35-Year Sentence for Leaking Secrets

A judge sentenced Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison for leaking thousands of government documents to WikiLeaks.


Kansas Republican AG Sues Democrat Governor Over Trans Driver's Licenses

The lawsuit claims the practice is in violation of new anti-trans law.

Why Does the Government Need to Know Your Gender?

The National Center for Transgender Equality won a major battle by ending gender markers on Medicare cards. Why can't all government IDs drop the M and F?

Chelsea Manning's Letter from Fort Leavenworth

In an essay she wrote for an upcoming book, Chelsea Manning discloses her past as a homeless trans youth.

WATCH: WikiLeaks Source Comes Out as Transgender

The former Army private sentenced to 35 years for sharing classified government documents with the website WikiLeaks revealed today that she's transgender.

Bradley Manning's Photo to Doc Titled 'My Problem'

The former army intelligence officer who released thousands of classified government documents to WikiLeaks in 2010 reportedly struggled with gender identity issues.

Germany issues warning for transgender & nonbinary people traveling to the U.S.

A German official confirmed the government’s alert to The Advocate.


Social Security Will Allow Users to Select Own Gender Marker

LGBTQ+ groups applauded the move, which eliminates the need to provide documentation of gender.

Bill to Add Third Gender Option for Passports Introduced

A California congressman wants the State Department to make traveling easier for those who don't identify as "male" or "female."