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government grants

Dutch government grants asylum to Iranian gays

The Dutch government has granted special asylum rights to Iranian gays, despite earlier comments by immigration minister Rita Verdonk (pictured) that they would be safe in their home country as long as they were discreet.

Italy grapples with same-sex marriage

A top Italian cardinal was set to address Italian bishops Monday amid a debate in this overwhelmingly Catholic country over whether the government should grant unmarried couples--likely including gay couples--some form of legal recognition.

Tracking Hillary's stance on DOMA, distance from Bill on LGBT issues

Sen. Hillary Clinton went a long way this month toward neutralizing her one lingering Achilles' heel with LGBT voters when she shifted her stance on the Defense of Marriage Act, the 1996 bill signed into law by her husband that grants state governments the right not to recognize same-sex marriages or civil unions performed in other states.

Thousands of Israelis Protest Anti-LGBT Surrogacy Legislation

A bill is set to pass that will offer state-supported surrogacy grants only to heterosexual couples and single mothers.

Duke University Rejects Student Group Over Homophobic Policy

Young Life bars those who "practice a homosexual lifestyle" from staff and volunteer positions.

D.C. Court Freezes LGBTQ+ Nonprofit Casa Ruby’s Bank Accounts

Ruby Corado, the founder of Casa Ruby, said she is not a criminal as a court sided with D.C.'s attorney general and froze the LGBTQ+ nonprofit's financial accounts.

Mississippi Law Blocked; Roberta Kaplan Wins Again

The civil rights attorney took on Mississippi three times and won three times, though this decision came down to the wire.

Do You Agree With HRC's 'To Do List' For President Obama?

The Human Rights Campaign's 2015 Blueprint for Positive Change is an LGBT laundry list of actions the Obama administration could take to improve the lives of LGBT people.

Trump Unveils More Anti-LGBTQ 'License to Discriminate' Plans

New rules announced by the administration would give faith-based social service providers more leeway to discriminate in the name of "religious freedom."


The "religious freedom" order means federal agencies and contractors could turn away LGBT people and others without repercussions.
