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GOP Candidate Slams LGBTQ+ and ‘Sodomy’ Education In Schools

Jack Ciattarelli, a candidate in New Jersey's gubernatorial race, delivered an anti-LGBTQ+ speech to a crowd at a gun range. 

Queer Activists Cautiously Optimistic About Gun Control Win

The Democrat-controlled House approved background check legislation, the first major gun control bill to pass the chamber since 1994. 

Man Who Called Club Q Suspect 'A Hero' Charged With Weapons Possession

River Smith of Minnesota allegedly bought three hand grenades and parts to make convert an AR-15 rifle into an illegal machine gun, authorities say. 

Gay Nightclub Employee Shot by Fighting Patron

Police said the employee was rushed to a local hospital with potentially life-threatening injuries.

This Gay Senate Candidate Is Calling for 'No Fly, No Buy'

Kentucky's Jim Gray challenged incumbent Rand Paul to stop letting suspected terrorists buy guns in the U.S.

The Dixie Chicks Have A New Protest Song — And a New Name

Call them "The Chicks" from now on. Their latest single highlights pressing issues like BLM and gives a shoutout to lesbian activist Emma Gonzalez. 

All Mass Shooters Are Extremists

The Planned Parenthood shooter wasn't a "transgendered leftist activist," and we don't know yet if the San Bernardino killers had direct ISIS ties. Politicians should focus first on actions, like gun ownership, and motivations second.

How LGBTQ+ and Democratic leaders are reacting to Biden dropping out, endorsing Harris

Advocacy groups and political leaders rushed to respond to Sunday's news, offering sympathy and support.

Meet the Man Who Took Down the Club Q Gunman

Richard Fierro got the shooter's pistol away from him and then repeatedly hit him to stop the attack that left five people dead.

9 Queer People in an RV Trying to Stop Mass Shootings

A new film, Disarm Hate, artfully chronicles the pain and resolve that followed the Pulse massacre.

WATCH: The Rainbow Flag As Target Practice?

A Facebook post promoting the Oklahoma Run 'n Gun seemed to promote violence against LGBT people as well, activists say.

California Democrats Seek to Factor Support for Gender Identity Into Custody Decisions

The California Senate approved a bill to this effect Wednesday.

Right-Wingers Push Lie That Philly Shooting Suspect Was Trans BLM Supporter

Philadelphia officials say the accused shooter, Kimbrady Carriker, was a cisgender man. And he was more interested in gun rights than Black Lives Matter.

Man Claims Gay Couple's Murder Was 'Vengeance' for Syria

Ali Muhammad Brown has taken responsibility for the June murder of same-sex couple Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young, as well as two other killings police have labeled 'executions.'