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hands off my porn campaign

Adult film stars go hard-core with anti-Trump ads

Project 2025 is coming for your junk. The film pros say to keep your "hands off my porn."

Why #DayInLGBTQ America Matters

The editors of The Advocate on why visibility is essential during a political administration bent on LGBTQ erasure.


Welcome to Queer (Roving) Eye for the Monogamous Straight Couple Lie, brought to you in part by writer Dan Savage, who coined the term monogamish to signify committed relationships in which the partners are, he explains, “mostly monogamous, but there’s a little allowance for the reality of desire for others and a variety of experiences and adventure and possibility.”

Congress Is Preparing to Harm Queer Sex Workers Like Me

The proposed Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act will have long-reaching, dangerous effects, writes Alexander Cheves.

30 (More!) Role-Play Fantasies Every Gay Couple Should Try

The previous list of ideas from Alexander Cheves got him thinking of even more fantasies, from the mild to the extreme.

When It Comes to Brett Kavanaugh, Lindsey Graham Has Lost It

The Republican senator's unquestioning support for Kavanaugh shows his reasonable side has gone missing.

The Real Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton was heralded when he embarrassed Miss California and derided when he did the same to Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black. So what's a guy to do when he's the most loved and most hated gay guy in America?

Tell Your Mother: Performers Answer 10 Coming-Out Questions

Lance Bass, Jill Sobule, Dan Bucatinsky, and Nikki Levy celebrate National Coming Out Day by sharing their stories. 

Reasons For Pride 2013

Read why Edie Windsor, Wanda Sykes, Magic Johnson, Calpernia Addams, and a host of other folks are making us feel good this summer.