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harry belafonte

Harry Belafonte, Civil Rights Icon and Entertainer, Dead at 96

Belafonte died Tuesday morning of congestive heart failure.

Fall entertainment previews: Film

We interrupt our usual Reviews section to bring you a roundup of this fall's arts menu.

13 Must-See Films for LGBTQ+ Audiences at the TCM Film Festival

From All About Eve to Xanadu, there's something for everyone.

New Year’s Resolutions for the Trump Resistance

Will 2017 be the year Trump finally releases his tax returns? 

Designing Women Is on Hulu, But Has It Aged as Well as Golden Girls?

The other TV show about four wisecracking '80s women is a siren call for many gay men.

13 Embarrassing Questions for Jackie Collins

On the eve of the release of her latest tome, Married Lovers, best-selling author Jackie Collins takes the tough questions -- and reveals a subtle fixation on George Clooney.

Why This Mid-Century Lesbian Playwright's Message Endures

A new documentary, Lorraine Hansberry: Sighted Eyes/Feeling Heart, tells the story of a gifted artist and passionate activist.

WATCH: Edie Windsor Roll Through NYC Pride

Couldn't make it to New York to thank gay rights hero Edith Windsor? This short clip will take you right there.

So Long Saffire, Hello Gaye

After a few decades in the jazz business, Gaye Adegbalola of Saffire sheds her group for a solo gig. She tells "I've known I was a lesbian longer than I knew that I was black."

Op-ed: The Friends of Hugo Chavez

With friends like Hugo Chavez, who needs enemies?

Op-ed: Hillary 2016 and Tammy 2020?

America has yet to elect a female president. Does that mean the Rapture will arrive before an LGBT prez does?