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hate crime data

Anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes rose in 2023, even while crime decreased overall: FBI report

LGBTQ+ activists say homophobic and transphobic political rhetoric bears a degree of blame.

FBI Report Finds Increase in Hate Crimes Against Transgender People

Last year saw the highest number of overall hate crimes in the United States since 2008, according to the FBI's data. 

Anti-transgender hate crimes spike, leading to calls for a public health emergency

An Advocate data analysis found that in Los Angeles County and across the country, hate crimes against transgender people are reaching historic highs.

Op-ed: Yes, Trans Men Experience Real Violence

Boys Do Cry: When we expand violence data beyond hate crimes, it's clear that trans men are targeted at comparable rates to trans women.

With visibility comes violence: Increased awareness of transgender people leads to more hate crimes

Exclusive data shows in L.A. County and beyond, transgender people face increased risk of violent crimes as a result of their identity.

We Must Make Hate Crime Laws Better

We currently lack the information -- and will -- to make a dent in violence perpetrated against minorities, writes Trevon Mayers of New York's LGBT Community Center.

A neighborhood approach to combating hate crimes in Los Angeles

“Because of our past conduct in law enforcement, and the government, there’s this built-in distrust of us, which to be frank, we’ve earned,” one police official said.

Hate Crimes, Including Anti-Trans Crimes, Rose in 2019

The increase is documented in an FBI report, but there are many other hate crimes that go uncounted, activists say.

Gay Bar Owners Demand Hate Crimes Charges For Suspect in Brutal Attack

Despite injuring one of the Connecticut bar's owners and allegedly hurling anti-LGBTQ+ slurs at people, the assailant hasn't been charged with a hate crime.

Club Q Shooting Comes Amid Increased Attacks on LGBTQ+ Venues

The mass shooting in Colorado Springs at Club Q is the latest attack against members of the LGBTQ+ community.

More Than 400 Hate Incidents Reported Since Trump's Election

SPLC reports an astounding number of hate-related incidents of physical and verbal harrassment fueled by Trump's election.

D.C. Police Search for Attackers in Brutal Gay Bashing

Two men were kicked and beaten after leaving a gay bar on the U Street Corridor.

Gay Missouri Teen Shot 8 Times by Man Because of His Sexuality

Malachi Robinson pleaded guilty to shooting the teenage victim after misleading him into thinking they would have sex.

Trans woman assailed during Kanye West's Rolling Loud set beats back 'bullies' (exclusive)

Blu Linares recently told The Advocate about her reaction to the viral video of her assault, and the moments leading up to it.

Southern Poverty Law Center Has a Message for Bigot Jeff Sessions

The attorney general recently blasted the SPLC for referring to a hate group as a "hate group."

Matthew Shepard's Parents Made Sure He Did Not Die in Vain

In the two decades since the gay college student's murder, his legacy lives on in the foundation started by Judy and Dennis Shepard. But there's still much left to do.

Don Gorton Has Side of What Happened When Mitt Romney Scuttled His Bullying Report

Attorney Don Gorton tells the personal story of why he wouldn't let the Romney administration in Massachusetts scuttle a state report on bullying prevention.