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income tax

Donald Trump briefly attacks transgender people on Joe Rogan’s podcast

He also left his Michigan supporters waiting for hours as he rambled on the popular Spotify program.

Did Trump Leak His Own Taxes?

Rachel Maddow got her hands on the president's 2005 federal tax return, showing he paid $38 million in income taxes -- partly due to an "alternative minimum tax," which he hopes to abolish.

Taxes and gift giving

A recent article in the print edition of The Advocate inadvertently misrepresented tax options for same-sex couples with widely divergent incomes: In fact, one partner cannot shelter income by giving to the other. An attorney who specializes in tax issues and estate planning straightens out the facts.

Tax Time for Gay Couples Means More Complications, Higher Bills

For gay couples, the April 15 tax filing deadline can be a reminder of the disparities they face, even in a nation that is becoming more accepting of same-sex couples. Gay couples often pay higher taxes because they don't get the federal tax benefits that go with marriage. And for couples in state-sanctioned domestic partnerships, civil unions, or same-sex marriages, filing federal income taxes can involve doing three sets of paperwork instead of one. ''It's a significant financial disability,'' said Beth Asaro, who last year entered into one of New Jersey's first legally recognized civil unions.

Op-ed: Will Gay Couples' 2013 Tax Bills Get Bigger?

Many same-sex married couples may get hit with a penalty that some of their straight friends are familiar with.

Out Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Under Fire for Paying Little in Taxes

A report from investigative outlet ProPublica on rich people not paying their fair share of taxes cited Polis, among other very wealthy individuals.

The Rest of the Nation Needs to Copy California's Tax Day Credits

The Golden State is trying to help its poorest citizens. The other 49 need to take heed.

Op-ed: A Quick Explainer on Taxes for Gay Couples

Tax expert Nanette Lee Miller explains how same-sex couples can deal with the tangled ball of wires that is the American tax system.

Op-ed: Love, Marriage, and Retirement

Another benefit to marriage equality? Tools to help make retirement planning a bit easier.

Marriage Whats It Worth

Sometimes it's more lucrative to stay single.

Psyched over taxes

Doing your own taxes is as much about psyching yourself up as actually completing your return. Financial adviser L. Patrick Le'Flore of PricewaterhouseCoopers offers the following tips.

Op-ed: The Reminder of Tax Day

On Tax Day, Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese is reminded of the attacks that LGBT feel on their dignity as American taxpayers.

Op-ed: DOMA and the Gap Between the Haves and Have-Nots

The fight for marriage equality doesn't end until it has nothing to do with geography or wealth.

Same-Sex Couples Could Get Back Tax Benefits Under Biden Plan

President Biden's social spending plan, the Build Back Better Act, could let some married couples file amended returns and potentially receive refunds.

Uncle Sam Calling

Some tips on avoiding drama this tax season.

The Advocates: Finance

Moonlighting, the tax credit for homeowners,

German High Court Grants Tax Benefit to Gay Couples

The Federal Constitutional Court, Germany's top court, said that same-sex couples must be exempted from the land transfer tax just like married straight couples.

Last Minute Tax Saver

Got an IRA? This sneaky tax saving tip is perfectly legal, and there's still time to contribute for 2011.