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infection rates

'Glimmer of hope' as STI rates slow, syphilis decreases among gay men

Primary and secondary syphilis cases dropped 13 percent among gay and bisexual men for the first time since the CDC began tracking the group in the mid-2000s.

New York Rate of HIV Infection Soars Above National Average

For the first time, the New York City health department has issued a study that is able to determine the number of new infections of HIV in a year. The study, which reports on 2006, is the most precise estimate ever of citywide HIV infections, according to the health department.

Shocking HIV Diagnoses Among Young Gay, Bi Men

While overall HIV diagnosis rates have decreased nationwide, young gay men are seeing a frightening uptick in new diagnoses, according to the CDC.


Where Are 1.5 Million Missing Black Men?

Census data of male-female ratios by race underscore disproportionate homicide and incarceration rates and reveal HIV infection disparities

Researchers Say the End of the HIV and AIDS Epidemic Must Come for Everyone

Study results released today by the HIV Prevention Trials Network show disturbing rates of new infections, particularly among young black gay men.

Which HIV Finding is the Health Breakthrough of 2011

This year has seen monumental advances in HIV treatment and prevention, but some health experts say the most important advance is the discovery that antiretroviral treatment cuts down infection rates by more than 95%.