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Italy passes even harsher ban against surrogacy, punishes seeking services abroad

The new law punishes those who travel outside the country to make surrogacy arrangements, even if they travel to places where the services are legal.

Bethany C. Meyers and 'Younger' Star Nico Tortorella Reveal Pregnancy

The famous queer couple announced it on social media.

Why This Trans Woman Can't Identify With 'The Handmaid's Tale'

There are battles that cis women face that trans women don't -- and vice versa. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be invested in the struggles of all women, writes Jessie Earl. 

The Surrogacy Roadblock

Did you know that it is actually illegal to do surrogacy in the state of New York? With the growing number of gay couples looking to have children, this law will have to change sooner rather than later. Read about a couple seeking to make that happen.

Rare Half-Male, Half-Female Cardinal Appears to Have Male Companion

A mixed-gender cardinal in Pennsylvania has intrigued bird-watchers and scientists.

Harris-Walz campaign slams Trump, Vance, and Republicans for not supporting IVF protection bill

Republican senators killed a bill Tuesday that would have protected IVF.

The High Cost of Parenting If You’re LGBT

Our quest for children is often arduous - and expensive.

Silencing a beating heart

In this installment of Maggie Quale's series on gay parenting, the writer explores the guilt that LGBT people sometimes face when deciding to bring a new life into the world rather than adopt.

Fertility Research Opens Possibilities for Gay and Lesbian Couples

Research performed on mice to create sperm and eggs from stem cells raises possibilities for humans, with big implications for same-sex couples.

Aisha Tyler on Laughing, Love, and Telling It Like It Is

With the fifth season of Archer under way, the voice of Lana Kane and cohost of The Talk opens up about breaking taboos, her reason for revealing a struggle with infertility, and why opponents of marriage equality are a joke.

Gay couple sues NYC over 'discriminatory' denial of IVF benefits

The suit says straight couples and lesbians qualify for coverage, but gay male couples are routinely denied benefits in violation of federal law.

Researchers have turned a skin cell into an egg. Here's what that means for LGBTQ+ people

A new in vitro gametogenesis (IVG) technique is signaling promise for same-sex couples looking to start families.

8 Times a Federal Judge Eviscerated Marriage Bans

In a scathing decision issued just days after oral argument, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals roundly denounced bans on same-sex marriage in Indiana and Wisconsin.


Op-ed: Unscrambling the Myths Behind Egg Donation

A straight, married mom wants to help you make a baby or two.

Massachusetts governor seeks IVF coverage for veterans in same-sex relationships

Maura Healey, one of the first out lesbian governors in the nation, wants to equalize coverage of assisted reproduction and provide other new benefits to Massachusetts veterans.