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Coroner Reveals Aaron Carter’s Cause of Death

Carter died in November at the age of 34.

Food & Drug Admin: Just Say No to Poppers

The FDA says nitrate "poppers" can cause adverse health effects, including death.

Concert to Honor Newlywed Gay Playwright Killed in NYC Fire

A musical tribute to Daniel James McClung will be presented this summer in New York City.

Ex-Cop Accused of Killing Spree Left Last Words on Celebs, Equality

A manifesto posted to Facebook included specific comments on out celebrities and LGBT equality.

Gay NYC Teenager's Body Found Shot, Burned

The distraught family is calling the horrific murder a possible hate crime.

Meet the Drag Queens and Kings Who Have Performed at Lizzo's Shows

Lizzo has been incorporating drag performers at her concerts and we are more than here for it.

Newlywed Gay Playwright Killed in Midtown NYC Fire

Daniel McClung, 27, died while trying to escape his New York City high-rise apartment building when it caught fire Sunday.

Are e-Cigarettes Safer

Are e-cigarettes safer than cigarettes for smokers?

Neo-Nazis Attack Ukrainian LGBT Activists

A group of Neo-Nazis threw smoke bombs into the offices of a Ukrainian LGBT group and almost killed an activist who tried to stop them.

Letters Threaten Customers of Seattle Gay Bars

Eleven of Seattle's LGBT bars were threatened with ricin attacks in letters sent to them Tuesday, The Seattle Times reports.

Craig's 'Wide Stance' Excuse Finds Way Into Lexicon

Among the most famous excuses ever given for questionable behavior, ''I have a wide stance'' must fall somewhere between the schoolchild's favorite, ''The dog ate my homework,'' and President Clinton's ''I didn't inhale.'' But Sen. Larry Craig's contention -- made just after his arrest in a restroom sex sting -- has permeated the public consciousness, showing up as more than just the punch line to late-night talk show jokes. The online Urban Dictionary defines ''wide stance'' as a euphemism for a closeted homosexual.

Anne Heche Not Impaired by Drugs at Time of Crash, Coroner Finds

Heche died after a car crash in August.

Poppers are Dead, Long Live Poppers

Is alkyl nitrite the gay peyote or just a vestige of a different time that we no longer need?

Study: More Than Half of Americans on Prescription Meds

For the first time, it appears that more than half of all insured Americans are taking prescription medicines regularly for chronic health problems, a study shows.

Poppers Cause AIDS, the Environment Makes Boys Trans, Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

A member of the famous Kennedy dynasty, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., continues to peddle falsehoods and conspiracy theories.
