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Health and Human Services takes stand against nonconsensual intersex surgeries

The report comes from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, headed by Adm. Rachel Levine.

Ross Mathews Scores New 'Interactive' Talk Show

The helium-voiced funnyman will be living his dream when 'Hello Ross' debuts on E! this fall.

INTERACTIVE COVER: Out of Many, One Day in LGBT America

Hundreds of you took part in The Advocate's annual Day in LGBT and now your photos are part of an interactive cover that stitches us together.

Gay Singles Accept Nonsense That Women Would Never Tolerate

When it comes to interacting with men online, gay and bi men have lowered their standards to embarrassing levels.

50 Years, 50 Heroes: Honoring Filmmaker Pat Rocco

The Advocate's interactive art director, Christopher Harrity, honors the groundbreaking gay filmmaker Pat Rocco.

New Archive Shows Real History of LGBT-Led Families

The Family Equality Council and Yale University have partnered to create an interactive timeline, and Yale is preserving an archive of materials on the LGBT family equality movement.

Coke Apologizes for Antigay Social Media Tool

The Olympics sponsor contends programming was to blame for responses that many considered antigay when pro-LGBT words were entered into various interactive portions of the brand's site.

Intersex youth have worse mental health, and 'harmful' nonconsensual surgeries may play a part (exclusive)

The lead author of an eye-opening new report from the Trevor Project tells The Advocate about the "stigma" intersex youth face, how it impacts them, and how to rectify it.

'She's Gotta Have It' Tackles Catcalling with Interactive Art Project and Video

Netflix's reboot of Spike Lee's debut features a poly pansexual woman of color whose art calls out sexual harassers.

Study: Women Bond Better With Gay Men

The absence of an "ulterior sexual motive" allows women to feel at ease in social interactions.

Westboro Baptist Church Gets Trolled on Pokemon Go

The Kansas headquarters of the notoriously antigay religious group has been marked as a gymnasium in the new interactive Pokemon Go game. 

LGBT Support for Obama Rises and Could Tip Election

A Harris Interactive poll for Logo TV finds that 72% of likely LGBT voters favor Obama, up from 65% two months ago.

Survey: Americans more accepting of openly gay athletes

According to a recent national survey conducted by Witeck-Combs Communications and Harris Interactive, 72% of heterosexual adults say their feelings toward their favorite male professional athlete would not change if the player revealed he is gay.

United for Marriage Interactive Map

Where will you be on Decision Day? Find a rally point near you to celebrate this historic moment.

Find Your Selfie on Our Interactive #DayInLGBT Cover

Hundreds of you took part in The Advocate's annual #DayInLGBT event on social media, and now your photos are part of an interactive cover that stitches us together.

LGBT Historians Release Interactive Map of Significant Places in NYC

The new map features more than one hundred locations of historic LGBT importance in all five boroughs of New York City.

Here Networks buys Hyperion Interactive Media Corporation, creator of

Gay television company Here Networks has purchased Hyperion Interactive Media Corp., creator of such Web sites as and the print magazine GayWebMonkey.

Watch Kamala Harris keep her cool on a day of contrasts at U.S. Senate with warm moments and not-so-warm ones

As she swore in U.S. senators, the vice president experienced delightful and utterly disrespectful interactions with members of Congress.

Transgender Reforms Announced for NYPD Patrol Guide

The long awaited changes to police practices are intended to improve interactions between officers and transgender New Yorkers.

James Charles: Framing Me as a Gay Predator Is Peak Homophobia

The makeup guru tells his side of the story and describes how others turned relatively innocuous interactions into dangerous antigay stereotypes.