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Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries and partner arrested on sex trafficking charges

Mike Jeffries, his partner Matthew Smith, and their associate James Jacobson were indicted Tuesday morning on over a dozen counts related to sex trafficking.

Artist Spotlight: Kelli Connell

Connell's dual portraits create tiny moments packed with so much feeling that the fantastic technical work seems to disappear.

2003 Person of the Year: V. Gene Robinson

A look back at The Advocate's first ever interview with openly gay Rev. V. Gene Robinson, who will be delivering the invocation for President-elect Barack Obama this Sunday at a pre-inauguration event at the Lincoln Memorial.

Person of the Year: V. Gene Robinson

As the renewed debate over equal marriage rights has shown, at the root of all opposition to gay and lesbian rights lies religious conviction. In 2003 one gay man stood resolutely at the center of the contentious battle to shift religion away from hatred and exclusion and toward love and equality. V. Gene Robinson--elected bishop in June by the Episcopalians of New Hampshire, confirmed at the church's national convention in August, and consecrated November 2--has handled the resulting anger from conservative Christians with poise and eloquence. For his grace under the pressure of a worldwide debate and for his steadfast focus on his mission to open God's church to all people on the margins, Bishop Robinson is The Advocate's Person of the Year.