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janet mock

Black writers share their favorite books to honor Black History Month

Roxane Gay, Raquel Willis, and Dawnshaeé Reid open up about the importance of the Black literary legacy and impact of Black writers.

WATCH: Janet Mock, a Journalist First and Foremost

In serving on an MSNBC panel on the Golden Globes, Janet Mock was recognized as a pop-culture maven who, oh, just happens to be trans.

Janet Mock Calls for Intersectional Resistance at Women’s March

"Collective liberation and solidarity is difficult."

WATCH: When Janet Mock Talked With Oprah

The popular MSNBC contributor, Shift host and LGBT activist had a lot to say on Winfrey's new talk series.


Janet Mock Gets Engaged

The author and trans activist got engaged just hours after hosting the premiere of her online show.

WATCH: Trans Women Tell Janet Mock, 'I Am a Woman'

Mock and four guests school viewers on the basics of being transgender.

WATCH: Janet Mock Sounds Off on InTouch Cover

The author, commentator, and trans advocate calls the tabloid's Photoshopped cover of Bruce Jenner 'shockingly insensitive, sensational, and inaccurate.'

21 Trans Icons You Should Know on Transgender Day of Visibility

For Trans Day of Visibility, these are 21 trans icons that deserve your attention.

Janet Mock on Making TV History as 'Pose' Director

Mock talks about directing an episode of the FX show, making her the first trans woman of color to direct, write, and produce a TV series.

WATCH: Janet Mock Flips the Script on Cisgender Host

Turning the tables on Fusion's Alicia Menendez, trans author and activist Janet Mock assumed the role of interviewer to demonstrate the invasive and inappropriate questions trans women regularly face in the media.

Taylor Swift, Janet Mock Are GLAAD's 2020 Celeb Honorees

Swift and Mock now join the ranks of Beyonce, Laverne Cox, Melissa Etheridge, and Elizabeth Taylor.

WATCH: Jeffrey Tambor Tells Janet Mock of Show's 'Transformative Honor'

In her first appearance as an Entertainment Tonight special correspondent, Mock interviews the Transparent star about the issue of cisgender (nontrans) actors playing trans roles.

WATCH: A Day in Janet Mock's Life, Via New Jezebel Series

The online publication chose Mock as the first subject for its new video series, This Broad's Life.

40 Under 40: Janet Mock Is Our Best Ambassador to the Media

The Messengers: Janet Mock is one of mainstream media's smartest voices on how to cover trans people. If there's anyone journalists should listen to, it's Mock.

Janet Mock on Why DeRay Mckesson Matters

The Black Lives Matter movement has many leaders but only one recognizable face. DeRay Mckesson gets candid on love and leadership, politics and protest -- and his plans for Baltimore's future.

Behind the Scenes of Janet Mock's Wedding

Friends of the famous author, TV host, and transgender journalist posted photographs, videos and stories from her ceremony in Hawaii.

Janet Mock on Privilege, Trump, and Her Future in Hollywood

There's nothing this brilliant woman can't do -- change minds about trans people, challenge our notions on beauty, and now, guest-star in a TV drama.

Why Rewriting 'Hollywood' Is Personal for Ryan Murphy & Janet Mock

Murphy and Mock chat with The Advocate about the aspirational Netflix series that hands back narratives to queer people, people of color, and women whose stories were denied. 

Janet Mock: Caitlyn Jenner Doesn't Speak for Trans Community

Mock made that clear when Chelsea Handler asked her about Jenner's recent tasteless joke.

Janet Mock On Why Trans Lives Matter, So #SayHerName

The 18 transgender women killed this year 'had value, had purposes, and were loved,' Mock affirms. 'And they will be missed.'