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jersey city

Former Jersey City aide fired over support for right-wing extremist sister sues Democratic mayor

“Once he decided to partake in a hate-filled campaign, the community in Jersey City no longer wanted to work with him, making him unable to do his work responsibilities,” the mayor’s press secretary told The Advocate.

Trans woman loses lower legs in NYC subway attack. Now, friends rally to help her

The man with whom she was in a relationship is accused of throwing her in front of a train. He is charged with assault and attempted murder.

'Green Book' Writer Takes Heat for Trump-Supporting, Anti-Muslim Tweet

Nick Vallelonga agreed with Trump's claim that Muslims in New Jersey cheered on 9/11.

Aide to N.J. mayor loses job over support of anti-LGBTQ+ sister running for Missouri office

“Different beliefs shouldn't divide us,” Jonathan Gomez-Noriega said in a statement.

Army recruiter suspended for antigay e-mails

The Army recruiter who sent antigay and racist rants to a Jersey City, N.J., job seeker via e-mail has been suspended from recruiting and is under investigation by the military.

Marsha P. Johnson's family fights for trans legacy at Stonewall

“This is not just an erasure of words — it is an erasure of history," Johnson's cousin says of the removal of "transgender" and "queer" from the website for the Stonewall National Monument.

New Jersey: One More State Goes for Marriage Equality

The New Jersey Supreme Court declines to delay an order for same-sex marriages to begin in the Garden State.

Groundbreaking Lawsuit Challenges ExGay Therapy

The Southern Poverty Law Center accuses a New Jersey 'conversion therapy' practice of fraud and deception.

Gay Former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey Runs for Jersey City Mayor

Jim McGreevey famously came out when he resigned as New Jersey governor in 2004.

Gay Former N.J. Governor, Jim McGreevey, Considering Run for Jersey City Mayor

McGreevey came out as gay when resigning the governor's position in 2004.

Bernie Wagenblast, the Voice of New York City Subways, Comes Out as Transgender

Wagenblast, 66, has been aware of her true gender since childhood but has just begun living full-time in that identity.

Jim McGreevey Heads Back to Government Office

McGreevey was appointed to a city office, nine years after leaving the governorship when it was revealed that he is gay.

Two Trans People File Lawsuits Against N.J. Police Departments

A trans man and a trans woman filed lawsuits against two New Jersey police departments after allegedly being discriminated against on the basis of their gender identity.