Jill Stein's running mate, Butch Ware, caught in transphobic comments
Ware said he didn't think "biological males should play in female sports."
NOVEMBER 1, 2024
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Ware said he didn't think "biological males should play in female sports."
The Green Party candidate says vote totals in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylania -- states Clinton narrowly lost -- must be verified.
The millionaire actress doesn't understand her privilege, writes Amanda Kerri.
It's a natural impulse for outsiders--like we in the queer community--to reject the mainstream candidates and lodge a protest vote. But in this election, we must think strategically.
Robocalls had attacked Evan McMullin in part because his mother is married to a woman.
The contrarian, "feminist," and academic assails Clinton even as Trump's White House falls apart.
We used to look to our national leader to reassure us after tragedies like Puerto Rico or Las Vegas -- no longer. At least we have Hillary's Twitter feed.
Jill Stein is generally supportive of LGBTQ+ rights and other progressive causes, but there are worries that she'll cut into the Democratic vote.
Green Party activists braved freezing temperatures to rally in support of recounting Election Day presidential ballots but the justices in Michigan were unmoved.
The Oscar-winner who publicly dragged Hillary Clinton during the election asked women to support each other.
The candidate gave a simple "yes" when asked if he plans to vote for Clinton in November.
The comedian has written some deplorable remarks about transgender people -- and there's no reason to believe her views have changed.
HBO's series applies the mean girls trope to upper-class adult women and turns it on its head in a way that is good for women.
The Green Party presidential candidate is seeking volunteers to help in the process, which begins next week.
In an after-the-credits twist, the Green Party nominee is trying to save democracy by recounting votes in key states, and Twitter's reactions are hilarious.
Follow us to keep tabs on what's happening in the movement to resist Trump's agenda.
Trump incites protesters to burn flags after recommending that flag burners be stripped of their citizenship.
Here's why presidential candidates have to concentrate on a handful of swing states and why the winner of the popular vote doesn't always become president.
This week in The Resistance: Russia, Russia, and Russia.
The longtime LGBT ally and icon said that she is "open" during an interview about Feud with the LGBT site Pride Source.