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Federal judge orders restoration of health agency web pages

Pages devoted to HIV and AIDS, assisted reproductive technologies, and youth health risks had disappeared from government websites due to Donald Trump's "gender ideology" order.

Baseball as a First Love on the Way to Gay Self-Love

The characters from the series A League of Their Own and recently out pitcher Solomon Bates show the power of baseball as a lifelong love.

Why I Wrote a Gay History Book for Kids

The author of Gay & Lesbian History for Kids says a book like his would have irrevocably changed his childhood — for the better.

Tailored Testosterone

Designer John Bartlett's infatuation with all things masculine thrilled New Yorkers beginning in the '90s. Now he's taking it to the masses.

23 Celebrities Who Lost Their Battle With AIDS

These men and women left enormous legacies with their lives and deaths.

Black and Blue

Now starring in The Blue Tooth Virgin, the legendary actress chats with

Poppers Cause AIDS, the Environment Makes Boys Trans, Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

A member of the famous Kennedy dynasty, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., continues to peddle falsehoods and conspiracy theories.


SNL's Portrayal of Pence as a Fey Gay Is Offensive in Its Laziness

Is there a lower form of humor than a pun? Saturday Night Live may have found it.

21 Best (and Worst) Queer Movie Villains

LGBT movie villains have evolved over time -- for better and for worse.