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john ritter

Suzanne Somers, ‘Three’s Company’ Actor and Business Mogul, Dies at 76

Somers died on the eve of her 77th birthday.

Actor Tyler Ritter Isn't a Gay Man — He Just Plays One on TV

The Los Angeles Times recently misidentified Ritter as gay -- but, perhaps in a show of how times have changed, there has been no fallout.

The Advocate's Big Four Report: Colorado

The Advocate is profiling four battleground states this month -- Colorado, Florida, Virginia, and Ohio -- all of which went red in 2004. Today's story is the first of four pieces focusing on the Rocky Mountain State's political dynamics, LGBT concerns, and how it will all play out on Election Day.

'Three's Company' Made Me the Gay Man I Am Today

On the ABC comedy's 40th anniversary, Michael Montlack reflects on how he learned to be gay from a straight actor playing a straight character pretending to be gay.

A New Musical Harkens Back to a Simpler, Sexier Time: The '70s

The producers of Broadway's newest hit, Disaster!, discuss why the Me Decade is worth revisiting.

Return of the Bride

This is no trick: Jennifer Tilly has a lot to say, and it's quite a treat to listen to her. In this extensive and amazing conversation, the star of Bound and Bride of Chucky talks about her screen personae, the Hollywood closet, and her take on the gay men who are her closest friends and most loyal fan-base.

Frighteningly Fun Flix: Our Favorite Halloween Films

The Advocate staff picks our favorite scream-worthy films to screen during the most spooktacular time of the year.

Colorado candidate's 'bestiality' comments come back to haunt her

Janet Rowland, Republican candidate for Colorado lieutenant governor, in a March TV interview said homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle, adding, "For some people, the alternative lifestyle is bestiality. Do we allow a man to marry a sheep?"

London theater

Ewan McGregor in Guys and Dolls is just one of the West End boys--and girls--keeping the London theater scene hot this summer

10 films showcasing the greatness of bi Hollywood icon Montgomery Clift

The bisexual actor was one of the best and most beautiful of mid-20th-century Hollywood.

13 Must-See Films for LGBTQ+ Audiences at the TCM Film Festival

From All About Eve to Xanadu, there's something for everyone.

Op-ed: Why We Should Ditch the Sochi Olympics

One athlete says boycotting the upcoming Winter Olympics is exactly what we should do to make a difference for human rights in Russia.

10 of the Best Films of Rock Hudson, the Closeted Mid-Century Hollywood Dreamboat

Find out what made Rock Hudson such a big deal.

What Came of the Stonewall Rebels

With today marking the anniversary of Stonewall, we take a look at some of the people who participated in the riots and how Stonewall shaped their lives.

Hot Sheet for November 9 2012

The top 10 entertainment highlights on our gaydar this week: Skyfall brings James Bond back, while artist Richard Renaldi brings us on vacation, and somehow we end up in a Shark Tank.

19 Shows LGBT Viewers Can't Miss This Fall

The Advocate staff picks our favorite inclusive shows that make up fall 2014’s must-see LGBT TV.

Results: 30 LGBT Races to Watch

Read up on the queer candidates who ran for their political lives.


Holiday Gift Guide for TV Lovers

Sure, the world's all-digital, but DVD and Blu-ray sets look a lot more exciting under the tree than, say, a Netflix gift card, so why not snag one of these 35 must-own collections for the TV buff.