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Who is Britain’s new prime minister Keir Starmer and what's his LGBTQ+ rights record?

Here's what we know about the man who trounced the current political structure in the U.K., and delivered his political party out of the opposition for the first time in more than 10 years.

Brit Leader Who Previously Said Gay Was a Choice Praises Stonewall

Labour Party head Jeremy Corbyn is trying to turn a corner after numerous ignorant statements.

Senior Irish Leader Backs Marriage Equality Push

Eamon Gilmore, the deputy prime minister of Ireland and Labour Party leader, said that marriage equality is "the civil rights issue of this generation."

Ad Portrays Irish Pols as Gay

There's a donnybrook in Ireland over a campaign ad that paints leaders of the opposition as a gay couple, as if there could be anything worse.

New Zealand Elects World's Gayest Parliament

Jacinda Ardern's landslide victory also helped make LGBTQ+ history.


Australia to Ban Religious Schools From Expelling Gay Students

A leaked "religious freedom" report sparked public outrage and concern for queer young people.

Boris Johnson Resigns Amid MP's Same-Sex Sexual Abuse Scandal

Departing U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson leaves behind a mostly negative LGBTQ+ rights record.

Op-ed: Margaret Thatcher, My First Gay Icon

As the U.K.'s first female prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, is laid to rest Wednesday, one man reflects on life during his adolescence under the Iron Lady.

U.K. MP Dehenna Davison Comes Out as Bi, 'Overwhelmed' by Support

Davison, a member of the Conservative Party, said she doesn't want bisexuality to be seen as unusual or "a big deal."