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leopard eating face

Slutty, Slutty, Slutty

Is not an appropriate look for the cast of Lipstick Jungle, starring Brooke Shields. Perhaps you've heard of Lipstick Jungle. No? Well, you really should be watching Lipstick Jungle. On NBC. Parent company of Bravo.

“Thanks, Mrs. A!”

Chris's natural talent for dressing drag queens finally gets a chance to breathe freely as the designers make stripper gear for lady wrestlers.

Project Contrast Throws a Lifeline to LGBTQ+ Youth

Created by Maxwell Poth, Project Contrast aims to raise awareness of the astoundingly high suicide rate of LGBTQ+ youth in America. 

Sing it sister

The first installment of Advocate contributor Dave White's weekly recap of who ruled, who stank, and who cried on Fox's current season of American Idol

Pooing Fabric

Season 4 of Project Runway begins. And that means Dave White sits around with friends and eats cupcakes and passes judgment.

Mr. Cowell, Mr. Jackson, Ms. Abdul, and Mr. The Bee Gees

In which Dave White, tireless recapper, fact-finder, and opinion maker of all things Idol, is heard to say, "Oh, shit. American Idol is back."

Welcome to Hollywood—now go home

Fighting! Crying! Also some singing. But mostly fighting and crying in week 5 of Dave White's American Idol recap.

Ricky-Vicky Smackdown ’07!

Finally, some fighting on Project Runway. It's not much fighting, mind you, but in this chilled-out season you take it where you find it.