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lgbtiq+ rights

Estonia Legalizes Marriage Equality

Despite the vote, anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments remain in the Baltic country.

Trump’s Muslim Ban Could Be a Death Sentence for Many LGBTs

This revised travel ban remains completely unacceptable, writes Jessica Stern of OutRight International.

Where Will LGBTQ Rights Be in 2069?

Outright International's Aalap Shah on where our efforts should be focused during the next 50 years.

Lesbian Murdered & Her Body Mutilated in Alleged Hate Crime

The South African woman was last seen with a male friend who police believe is a suspect in her death.


Romanian Anti-Marriage Equality Measure Fails Spectacularly

Only 20 percent of eligible voters cast ballots on a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Queer aging is the next frontier in LGBTQ+ human rights

Supporting our aging LGBTQ+ community members is vital in the ongoing fight for equal rights, writes SAGE's Michael Adams and Hannah Yore.

Here are 26 organizations fighting Donald Trump that you can donate to

The work these groups do will be critical during a second Trump Administration.


How Leading on LGBTIQ Rights Abroad Could Restore U.S. Credibility

President Joe Biden took a good first step in repealing the trans ban at home, but a push for LGBTIQ rights and protections around the world is necessary. 

Bolton, Pompeo Will Make Trump Even More Dangerous

The new national security advisor and secretary of State will destabilize the world even more -- and LGBT people may feel it more than any other group.

Kenya's Reelected Leader Must End Horrifying Anal Exams

Will President Uhuru Kenyatta nudge his nation toward the future or keep it in the past?

Strongmen Like Putin Threaten LGBTQ People Across the Globe

Democratic institutions have allowed our movement to advance. We must fight to maintain them, both here and abroad, writes Wayne Besen.

LGBT Groups Condemn U.S. Exit From U.N. Human Rights Council

The move will make it harder to advance rights for LGBT people and other marginalized populations around the world, activists say.

Beyond decriminalization of same-sex relations

Human Rights Watch's Hala Maurice Guindy tells how LGBTQ+ individuals face ongoing human rights abuses in the Middle East and North Africa due to the criminalization of same-sex relations. Laws may seem vague, but they are used to persecute and harass. How can we ensure genuine equality and protection for all members of the LGBTQ+ community?

11 LGBTQ+ Organizations to Donate to on Giving Tuesday

Looking for an LGBTQ+ rights group to contribute to on Giving Tuesday? Well, you're in luck. Here are some groups to consider.

Why This Election Matters for LGBTQI+ People Far Beyond Our Borders

Trump has emboldened hate against our community. Biden would work to foster equality.

LGBT People in Bermuda Need Support, Not Abandonment

Boycotting the island for rescinding marriage equality would hurt queer people all over again.

Veteran Activist Jessica Stern Named U.S. Envoy for LGBTQ+ Rights

President Biden announced Friday that he will appoint Stern, currently executive director of OuRight Action International.

Trump's Support for LGBTQ Rights in U.N. Speech Rings Hollow to Many

While Trump noted efforts to decriminalize being gay around the world, activists pointed out everything he's done to harm LGBTQ people.

Gay Watch: Croatia

A onetime Yugoslav republic embraces equality via one of Europe's most sweeping sets of LGBT rights laws. It's a shame too few of its gay citizens are out enough to put them to use much.

Rampant Violence Reported by Activists for Sex Workers, LGBTQ+ People

A new report details how COVID-19 is exacerbating government crackdowns on human rights activists.

Freemasons, gay men, and corrupt elites in Cameroon — inside a conspiracy theory

A new book explores an ongoing conspiracy theory in Cameroon and neighboring Gabon that corrupt elites spread homosexuality through their connections to secret orders like the Freemasons.