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lgbtq sports

Boxers NYC Bartenders Calendar: Buff boys bulging for a cause

Do it for the LGBTQ+ youth, which benefit from sales of this sexy calendar.

Trevor Project and Puma Team Up to Provide Free LGBTQ+ Inclusivity Training in Sports

The self-paced online training is designed for coaches, athletic directors, and other adults who work in youth sports.

Tom Daley Slams Sports Leagues in Pro-LGBTQ+ Christmas Message

"Why are we allowing places that aren't safe for ALL fans and ALL players to host our most prestigious sporting events?"

Anti-LGBTQ+ insults don't just hurt queer kids — Straight boys react worse to homophobia in sports

The group most likely to report hearing anti-LGBTQ + language were students who play sports — particularly straight, cisgender boys.

These 5 athletes came out as LGBTQ+ in 2024 (so far)

Even more queer representation in the world of sports!

How a lesbian's triumph on the Portland Timbers billboard broke barriers

The empowering story of a Portland Timbers' billboard symbolizes visibility and acceptance, profoundly impacting the LGBTQ+ community and redefining inclusivity in sports representation.

NCAA LGBTQ+ Group: End the Attacks on Transgender Athletes

States must withdraw legislation seeking to exclude trans athletes from school sports, says an open letter from the NCAA Division III LGBTQ OneTeam Program and Working Group.

Westminster Kennel Club's Don Sturz on why dogs are a gay's best friend

The prestigious organization's first out gay president discusses his love of dogs, the truth behind Best in Show, and the cruelty of Kristi Noem.

Why MLB's Glenn Burke Still Matters in LGBTQ+ Sports

Once labeled the next Mickey Mantle, Burke died penniless of AIDS complications.

How the World's Most 'Bro' Sport Is Making Space for LGBTQ People

As the 2019 Crossfit Games kick-off, we dive into how the "masc4masc" sport has seen LGBTQ inclusion explode. 

Athlete Ally Cuts Ties With Martina Navratilova After Anti-Trans Op-ed

The LGBTQ sports group grandly slammed her recent op-ed accusing trans athletes of cheating.

Two Gay Men Attacked in Possible Hate Crime in D.C.

The assailants shouted homophobic slurs while attacking the couple, who were wearing T-shirts bearing the name of an LGBTQ sports league.

Where do Kamala Harris and Donald Trump stand on LGBTQ+ rights?

From gay marriage to transgender health care, we break down the presidential candidates' positions.

Sport Clubs Bring LGBTQ+ People Together After Lockdown

As the pandemic winds down, athletic groups are helping queer people reconnect.

Game (Back) On for LGBTQ+ Recreational Sports Leagues

LGBTQ+ recreational sports took a pause during the pandemic. Here's how that impacted the players.

Trevor Project: Make Sports More Welcoming to LGBTQ+ Youth

Many LGBTQ+ youth don't participate in sports because they fear discrimination -- a fear that is often well-founded.

Trans nonbinary runner Nikki Hiltz dedicates record-breaking Olympic qualifier to 'all the LGBTQ folks'

Hiltz was in fourth place with 300 meters left before they suddenly accelerated past their competition, breaking the U.S. Olympic Track and Field trials record.

Ryan Russell, LZ Granderson On How To Get LGBTQ Athletes To Come Out

Advocate cover star Ryan Russell, along with sports journalists and the executive producer of Alone in the Game, discuss LGBTQ visibility in sports. 

North Carolina Lawmakers Override Governor's Veto of 3 Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills

The bills, restricting trans health care, trans sports participation, and LGBTQ+ content in schools, now become law immediately.