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lindsey graham

Trump ally Laura Loomer goes after Lindsey Graham: ‘We all know you’re gay’

The South Carolina Republican senator, who has consistently voted for anti-LGBTQ+ policies, has denied being queer.

Lindsey Graham Calls for Biden Impeachment

The Republican senator made the statement even though it was Donald Trump who originally agreed to the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

The Ambiguity of a President Lindsey Graham

The South Carolina senator with a mixed record on LGBT issues teased his presidential campaign today, with a formal campaign launch expected June 1.

Is Lindsey Graham's House of Cards Collapsing?

Graham, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, was recommended for indictment by a grand jury. Karma may not be the senator's boyfriend.

Anti-LGBTQ+ Lindsey Graham Reelected to Senate

Democrat Jaime Harrison ran a strong campaign against Graham, who used to be a Trump critic but is now a lap dog, but in the end Graham pulled off a victory.

Lindsey Graham: 'To the Extent That it Matters, I’m Not Gay'

The Trump toadie responded to a taunting tweet from Chelsea Handler.

The Candidate Running for President Who's Never Emailed

The longtime bachelor and Republican senator famous for saying 'I ain't gay' announces his bid for the White House.

'Never Seen a Vagina': Lindsey Graham’s Sexuality Is a Joke

MSNBC panelists had a lot of laughs insinuating the senator is gay, but that pales in comparison to the serious damage he's doing to this country.

Clarence Thomas Delays Lindsey Graham's Testimony on Election Meddling

Graham was ordered to speak to a Georgia grand jury Thursday on election interference on behalf of Donald Trump in the state.

Lindsey Graham Clicks Up His Heels at Mar-a-Lago

A new article digs into the dark soul of a senator madder than a wet hen.

Lindsey Graham Willing to 'Go to War for Chick-fil-A's Principles'

The Republican senator is outraged because some Notre Dame students and staff don't want one of the homophobe-run company's restaurants on campus.

Is Tweet About Lindsey Graham Being 'Topped' Homophobic or Funny?

Quinn Cummings, tweeting about Graham being out-fundraised by opponent Jaime Harrison, says he's likely been "topped" by a Black man before.

Lindsey Graham: Trump's 'Lynching' Comment Is True 'In Every Sense'

The South Carolina senator ignored the term's connotation of racist brutality in defending the president's characterization of the impeachment inquiry.

Twitter Turns on Sen. Lindsey Graham: 'Traitorous Trump Lapdog'

The South Carolina senator's obsequiousness to the president and his family knows no bounds.

Hillary Clinton on Lindsey Graham Targeting Her: 'Absolute Disgrace'

Speaking on Rachel Maddow's show, Clinton said Republicans continue to use her as a diversion from Trump's corruption.

SNL's Kate McKinnon Impersonates Lindsey Graham With Gay Jokes

The out comedian, in a spoof of the Brett Kavanaugh hearing, tapped into rumors that have long swirled around the senator's lifelong bachelorhood.

When It Comes to Brett Kavanaugh, Lindsey Graham Has Lost It

The Republican senator's unquestioning support for Kavanaugh shows his reasonable side has gone missing.

Gay Blogger Weighs Challenging Lindsey Graham for Senate

GOProud founder and Gay Patriot Blogger Bruce M. Carroll may take on conservative Sen. Lindsey Graham.