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literature celebration

LGBTQ+ book clubs bring lit-loving queers together

"Book clubs create an opportunity for queer people in access stories about our realities that are similar to us and access stories about people in our community that are different from us," one book club manager told The Advocate.

Lambda Literary Award Finalists You Must Read

In celebration of the 2013 finalists, we review five nominated works of LGBT literature that should be at the top of you must-read list.

The LGBT Literati

The Lambda Literary awards on May 29 brought the best and brightest LGBT writers and book lovers to Los Angeles for a celebration of queer literature dripping with bawdiness

Publisher Says the Lambda Literary Awards Are a Shambles

Writer, editor, and publisher Steve Berman shines a light on problems bubbling under the surface of the Lambda Literary Awards.

Mightier Than the Sword

Lambda Literary Foundation's annual fund-raiser was held Saturday at the home of Anne Rice, whose son Christopher (president of the foundation) called for action against Proposition 8 by preserving the literature of LGBT people.

Op-ed: The Lambda Literary Awards Are as Essential as Ever

The executive director of the Lambda Literary Foundation counters an earlier op-ed, saying the awards and foundation are more crucial than ever in their 25th year.

Mary Cheney gives birth to baby boy

Samuel David Cheney is the sixth grandchild for Lynne and Vice President Cheney.

Lambda Literary Foundation Honors Four LGBT Writers

Today, the Lambda Literary Foundation recognized the work of four influential LGBT writers.

Op-ed: The Transgenderest Lammys Ever

This year's Lambda Literary Awards were the most diverse in the organization's history, and that should only be the tip of the iceberg.

Gay Fatherhood, Step 1: Stop Pretending You Don't Want to Be a Dad

It took our editorial director years to start a family -- because society told him to stop trying.

Idaho Republicans push bill that could label gay book characters 'sexually explicit'

On a day celebrating civil rights, Idaho’s House Committee on State Affairs moves to restrict LGBTQ+ literature in schools and libraries.

How LGBT Liberation Connects to the Oldest Profession

Rather than ignore the centuries-long relationship between sex work and queer liberation, we should embrace it, writes editor at large Diane Anderson-Minshall.

24 New Year’s Resolutions for 2024 to Support Your LGBTQ+ Loved Ones & Friends

Here's some recommendations on supporting your queer community as we head into 2024. What's your resolution for supporting LGBTQ+ lives?

How I Got My Mojo Back After a Trip to N'awlins

A return to New Orleans arouses long-buried desires.

Black writers share their favorite books to honor Black History Month

Roxane Gay, Raquel Willis, and Dawnshaeé Reid open up about the importance of the Black literary legacy and impact of Black writers.

Acclaimed Author, UNC Professor Randall Kenan Dies at 57

Through his writing, Kenan chronicled the Black gay experience in the South.

Lambda Literary to Host Rare West Coast Extravaganza

The 25th anniversary events bring together Tony-nominated cabaret star Mx. Justin Vivian Bond, 12 Lambda award finalists (T Cooper, Richard Kramer, Ryka Aoki, and more), and Los Angeles literary pioneers Malcolm Boyd, Lillian Faderman, Katherine V. Forrest, John Rechy, and Patricia Nell Warren.

Op-ed: The Missing Stories Our Kids Need

Children's literature is too often a tale of two genders.

Ian McKellen and 27 Nobel Laureates Angry With Russia

With the Sochi Winter Olympics only weeks away, nearly 30 Nobel laureates have joined with Sir Ian McKellen in an open protest of Russia's homophobic 'gay propaganda' law.

Pennsylvania Drag Queen Story Hour canceled amid bomb concerns

A planned library event in Lancaster became the latest target of right-wing extremists who forced its cancellation through threats of violence.