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Andrew Garfield says 'Queer' blowjob scene is 'so genuinely beautiful'

And we'd be hard-pressed to disagree.

So Long, Farewell

At first glance, Malaysian-born writer-director Yen Tan would seem to have little in common with his new film, Ciao, the story of grieving Texan Jeff (Adam Neal Smith), who learns that his late friend had an e-mail relationship with hunky Italian Andrea (Alessandro Calza). But Tan's art imitates life in unexpected ways.

A Haven of Fun All Day Long

Provincetown local Sally Rose shares why she made the move to Provincetown permanently.

Ensuring a Long Life

In the Life Media gets a birthday gift.

Live Long and Prosper

One Star Trek fanatic's proverbial dreams come true when he's asked to play the lover of the captain of the starship Osiris in a new Trek fan series -- albeit one filmed in a 400-square-foot basement.

So long, partner

In his short life, Heath Ledger barely had time to tap his potential. But for us, he had already achieved the performance of a lifetime--and losing him so soon after Brokeback Mountain is like suffering a death in the family.

The long road ahead

Fifty years after Brown v. the Board of Education, people forget that most victories in the fight for racial equality came after that court decision outlawing segregation. For gays and lesbians, it's time to steel ourselves for the decades of work we still have to do to achieve equality.

Eddie Long Talks

Why the Long Face?

Blinders , a documentary by gay stand-up comedian Donny Moss, explores the dark side of Central Park's iconic horse and carriage businesses.

Taking the Long View With Trump

Longtime activist Robin Tyler sees shades of 1930s Germany in this year's election, but also hope on the horizon.

The Long Arm of the New Laws

California's Proposition 8 got all the attention, but successful antigay measures in Arkansas, Arizona, and Florida could have further reaching implications for those states' residents -- gay or straight.