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low income

Over 210,000 transgender citizens could have trouble voting in the 2024 election

Transgender Americans "may face barriers to voting in person" due to a "mismatch with their information as listed on voter registration rolls," according to a new report.

WATCH: Low-Income Apartments for LGBT Seniors Open

Philadelphia's gayborhood is now home to one of only 3 housing developments in the country specifically for LGBT seniors.

An LGBT Org. Puts Its Weight Behind Ending Antiwoman Law

The Hyde Amendment has punished low-income women for four decades.

We Must Deal With LGBT Poverty

Advocacy organizations need to address the troubling disadvantages faced by low-income individuals.

GOP Health Care: Make Sure You're Healthy and Wealthy

Our most vulnerable -- including low-income people with HIV -- will be devastated if the Republicans get their way.

Your City Enacted LGBTQ Protections! Oop, Your State Just Killed Them

States are increasingly "preempting" the laws of cities and towns that seek to protect low-income workers, immigrants, and LGBTQ people.

Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Unconscionable

Such a move would be disastrous for low-income women and girls -- and men too, says West Hollywood City Council member Lindsey Horvath.

Out on Parole, Ashley Diamond Speaks

As her lawsuit against Georgia's state prison system moves forward, Ashley Diamond reflects on being black, trans, and low-income in the Deep South.

Why Brotherhood, Inc. Will Never Stop Serving LGBTQ+ People in Need

For nearly 25 years, the agency has provided outreach to the LGBTQ+ community, housing services to those living with HIV, and low income housing to those experiencing homelessness in New Orleans. 

Queer, Black, Cyclist, Activist: The Inspiring Journey of Tamika Butler

Tamika Butler was the executive director of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. She's also a queer activist and ready for her new journey helping low-income communities of color. 

Arizona Activist Found Guilty of 'Walking While Trans'

Arizona transgender student and sex worker advocate Monica Jones was found guilty last week of 'manifesting prostitution,' a broadly defined offense that activists say profiles transgender and low-income people of color.

Be Killed or Be Caged?

For LGBT people of color or those from low-income backgrounds, there are seemingly two choices when faced with a violent situation: take the harm lying down, or fight back and face time behind bars.

Climate change has a bigger impact on LGBTQ+ couples than straight couples. Here's how

Climate change "exacerbates existing disparities among individuals and communities," according to a new study.

Can California End AIDS Without the Affordable Care Act?

Cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco were making huge dents in transmission. Thanks to Republican lawmakers, that could all end.

City Grant to Help Build Housing for LGBT Seniors in SF

The project had been stalled for some time, but the grant promises to revive it.

Guaranteed Income Is a Queer Justice Issue

More LGBTQ+ people live in poverty than do our straight and cisgender peers, so we'd benefit from such programs the most.

A Home of Our Own

Philadelphia puts the pieces together for the nation's newest LGBT senior development.