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lyndon b. johnson

What is DEI, what does it mean, and why are companies really getting rid of it?

DEI does not ensure certain groups have preferential treatment, but rather that none do.

LBJ's Civil Rights Act Is Incomplete

The 36th president signed the Civil Rights Act over 50 years ago, but we're still waiting for LGBT people to be added to it. Rob Reiner -- director of the new film LBJ -- talks about Johnson's legacy and what's changed since he was thrust into office.

Terrence McNally's 'Mothers and Sons' to Play Philly and Boston

The first regional productions have been announced for the gay-inclusive drama, which just closed on Broadway.

Terrence McNally's 'Mothers and Sons' to Shutter

Bereft of Tony Awards, the gay-inclusive Broadway drama has posted its closing date.

Ohio teacher suspended for LGBTQ+ books in her classroom sues school district

An Ohio elementary teacher is flipping the script and using her religious beliefs against conservatives to support LGBTQ+ rights.

Billie Jean King celebrates anniversary of women's voting rights, noting there's more to be done

She adds that many women of color had to wait for the right to vote.

The Electoral College: Why do we have it and how does it — or doesn't it — work

Here's why presidential candidates have to concentrate on a handful of swing states and why the winner of the popular vote doesn't always become president.

Trump revokes LBJ-era civil rights protections in federal government contracting

The rules were in place to protect Americans from discrimination for nearly 60 years.

At Prayer Breakfast, Trump Backs Bigger Church Role in Politics

But he doesn't mention the anti-LGBT "religious freedom" order reportedly circulating.

By the Numbers: Inauguration

By the numbers, a look at what it took to put together the biggest inauguration in history.

Booz Allen Hamilton drops sponsorship of WorldPride, cites Donald Trump's anti-DEI order

Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp. has withdrawn its sponsorship of WorldPride 2025 to avoid becoming "ineligible for contracts with the federal government."

Marjorie Taylor Greene Praises Joe Biden in Viral Campaign Ad

The Georgia firebrand thought she was saying critical things but ended up just sounding like a Democratic super fan.


Landmark Employment Ruling Protects Against Anti Transgender Discrimination

In a decision described by one legal expert as "game-changing," the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that existing federal law protects transgender individuals from sex discrimination on the basis of their gender identity.

WATCH: LBJ's Daughters Back Marriage Equality

The late president, a strong supporter of civil rights for African-Americans, was sympathetic to marginalized groups in general, say his daughters.

Op-ed: Mr. President, Don't Add Exemptions

While the executive order announced by the Obama administration is a great step, the next hurdle is quite clear.

One of MLK's Dreams Was an End to Gun Violence

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Guns are going to be the death of this country." Will we prove him right?

Reading the Far Right: 'Alternative Facts' on DNC Staffer's Death

Reading the fringe sources so you don't have to, we delve into the Seth Rich conspiracy theory and offer evidence that Martin Luther King was not a Republican.

Will AIG Paralyze Progressive Reform?

Public outrage over $165 million in bonuses for AIG executives shifted this week to scrutiny of the Obama administration and Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner.