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mack beggs

Trans Teen Wins Championship After State Limits Him to Wrestling Girls

Some of those watching the match booed Mack Beggs when he easily defeated his female opponent to win the state championship. 

Trans Wrestler Cheered, Jeered as He Wins Texas Title

Mack Beggs, who identifies as male, has been criticized for competing against girls, but the state won't let him compete against boys.

4 Ways LGBTs Are Under Attack in Texas

The state guts rights and endangers kids under the guise of religious freedom.

Texas Advances Anti-LGBT Bills on Adoption, Athletics

One would allow adoption agencies to turn away prospective parents because of religious objections; the other targets transgender student athletes.

Trans Men Are Leading the Resistance

Most transphobes can't wrap their heads around the idea of trans men. It's time we use this to our advantage, writes Riki Wilchins.