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mail in voting

Republican Mark Robinson says ‘wickedness’ of marriage equality will lead to pedophilia as ’next human right’

He made the anti-LGBTQ+ comments during sermons at churches. It's not the first time he's made such bigoted remarks.

With Sanders Out, Is It Time to Vote Exclusively by Mail?

The days of going to a polling station may be drawing to an end.

Thousands Rally for Marriage Equality in Australia

An LGBT demonstration in Melbourne has drawn record-breaking crowds ahead of its mail-in vote for same-sex marriage.

Australian Marriage Equality May Now Be Decided by Mail

After another failed attempt at passing a mandatory popular vote, lawmakers have turned to a voluntary mail-in ballot as a last resort.

Voters of Color Embrace Mail-in Option, Says HRC Survey

Substantial percentages of voters of color overall and LGBTQ ones say it's a good option for safety and avoiding voter suppression.

How to register to vote: Here's what you need to know to participate in the 2024 election

With ID laws potentially blocking some citizens from voting, here's how to make sure you vote in this year's crucial election.

Australia's High Court Says the Marriage Vote Must Go On

Activists attempted to challenge the legality of a national poll on same-sex marriage.

Human Rights Campaign Highlights Election's Urgency With New Ads

As the clock ticks toward November 3, the HRC seeks to mobilize voters against anti-LGBTQ+ forces.

Kissing Women Forcibly Removed From Anti-Marriage Rally in Australia

The women were dragged offstage while protesting a Christian group drumming up "no" votes on same-sex marriage. 

Energizing the Black LGBTQ+ Vote in Swing State Michigan

An LGBTQ+ center in Detroit is working to combat voter suppression in a state Trump narrowly won in 2016.

Nevada Looks Solid for Biden, Blocks One of Trump's Paths to Victory

Biden has a commanding lead in early voting in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas.

LGBTQ+ Georgia Voters, Allies Can Flip the Senate

A campaign targeting LGBTQ-supportive Georgians hopes to strip Mitch McConnell of his power.

Want to Help Our Community Vote This Year? Be a Poll Worker

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation and Power the Polls are seeking to recruit a new wave of poll workers.

Lara Trump Says 'Dead Cats' Are Voting for Dems at 'Trump Pride' Rally

The president's daughter-in-law spread voter misinformation at an event for gay Republicans.

Homophobe Margaret Court: Livid Over Marriage Equality in Australia

If Australians voting "yes" to marriage didn't upset Court enough, Martina Navratilova dragged her on Twitter about the upcoming holidays.

Margaret Court 'Disappointed' Billie Jean King Called Out Her Homophobia

Court, who has a history of making virulent anti-LGBT statements, tries to prove she doesn't hate gay people by mentioning she uses a gay florist at her church. 

Court: If Marriage Equality Passes in Australia 'There Will Be No Xmas'

The tennis champ famous for her anti-LGBT views says same-sex marriage will destroy all major holidays.

Marriage Equality Passed; Now Margaret Court Won't Attend Australian Open

Court said she's skipping the Grand Slam at the Margaret Court Arena to go crabbing, but she also said "there will be a price to pay" for passing marriage equality. 

Ending Tough Week, Obama Tries to Refocus Campaign

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama battled to refocus his campaign on the five-year-old Iraq war and the slumping U.S. economy, ending a week that saw him clobbered over incendiary remarks by his longtime Chicago pastor. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, his rival for the Democratic nomination, blasted away on the war and economy as well, while pressing demands to reinstate delegates in Michigan and Florida. Clinton won both contests, but the national Democratic Party said they would not be counted because the state votes were held too early and violated party rules.