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Who is Scott Presler? The gay conservative even the RNC won't employ

Several scandals have followed Scott Presler throughout his career, including his support of debunked conspiracy theories such as QAnon and 2020 election denial.

Nigeria's Underground Gay Community Is an Inspiration

Activist Edafe Okporo talks about being gay in a country where it is illegal on the LGBTQ&A podcast. 

Why #MeToo Activist Alyssa Milano Will Not Speak at Next Women's March

The actress-advocate opens up on how the movement can learn from its critics and criticizes the Women's March stances on anti-semitism.

Rape and Murder of Teen Shows Lack of Justice for LGBT Malaysians

A young man killed because he was deemed insufficiently masculine is the latest casualty of Malaysia's anti-LGBT culture.

The Situation for LGBT Asylum Seekers Just Got Even More Dire

Even though courts initially froze Trump's "Muslim bans," his executive orders still slowed the U.S. resettlement of LGBT people fleeing violence. Now that the Supreme Court has partially reinstated the bans, things are getting really scary.

30 Infamous Police Raids of Gay Bars and Bathhouses

Crackdowns by law enforcement have shaped the LGBT rights movement in the U.S. and worldwide.

Men Accused of Gay Sex Could Be First Caned in Indonesia

Neighbors burst in on the naked men and now they could face a public lashing like this one.

This Trans Woman Is Marching With a Message

Kristen Browde on the long road that will bring her to this weekend's historic Women's March.

30 Infamous Police Raids of Gay Bars and Bathhouses

Crackdowns by law enforcement have shaped the LGBTQ+ rights movement in the U.S. and worldwide.

Holiday Guide: Shop Here, Not There!

Which companies support LGBT people and which ones don't?