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martin luther king gay

Bayard Rustin: Martin Luther King’s views on gay people

This 1987 essay by Bayard Rustin reveals a personal account of MLK's feelings toward gay people.

The Leather Community Isn't 'Degenerate' — It Leads the LGBTQ Movement

Contributor Daniel Arrieta gives a history lesson to those who would promote prejudice and sex-shaming.

Calif. Reps Seek to Posthumously Pardon Gay Activist Bayard Rustin

The civil rights activist was a close confidante to Martin Luther King, Jr. before he was forced to register as a sex offender for being gay. 

Our path forward

The recently departed head of the Human Rights Campaign quotes Martin Luther King and Susan B. Anthony to argue that the gay rights movement should stay the course in fighting for full equality--including marriage rights.

Coretta Scott King dies at 78

King is being remembered as a tireless advocate for African-Americans, women, and gays and lesbians.

Our Martin Luther King Jr.

People who struggle for LGBT equality always want to know what civil rights leader will be the Martin Luther King Jr. for our cause. But the question contains its own answer.

Religion Is Our Friend

Being gay and religious are not not mutually exclusive, argues a young writer who should know.

From Mexicans to Hurricane Maria: Fight Trump's Lies Any Way You Can

The writer and performer behind the satirical play Hoaxocaust! has some thoughts on the White House's scourge of dishonesty. 

My queer story is powerful, and so is yours. Here's how to share it with us.

Equalpride's new community editor on championing storytelling as a revolutionary act to reclaim and celebrate the diverse narratives of the LGBTQ+ community.

A Look at LGBT Artifacts From the National African-American Museum

The museum features relics from LGBT pioneers such as James Baldwin, Gladys Bentley, Jason Collins and Alvin Ailey 

Award Inspired by MLK Goes to Antigay Judge Roy Moore

In a move that will strike some as curious, a pastors' group presents the Letter From Birmingham Jail Award to the jurist leading the charge against marriage equality in Alabama.

Bayard Rustin's Life and Civil Rights Legacy in Photos

Look back at the lifetime of accomplishments of the Black gay civil rights leader.

Periel of wisdom

Fashion designer-activist Periel Aschenbrand made waves with her "the only bush i trust is my own" underwear in 2004. Now she has a book of the same name--and strong opinions about Larry Kramer and being "post-gender"

Harvey Milk's original Advocate obituary from 1979

The gay rights icon was memorialized in the January 11, 1979 issue of The Advocate. Read the obituary below.

Bayard Rustin's Life and Civil Rights Legacy in Photos

Check out photographs of the black gay civil rights leader throughout his lifetime.