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melissa klein v. oregon

Oregon Antigay Bakers' Case to Be Reviewed in Light of Supreme Court Ruling

So it begins: The Supreme Court orders a review of the discrimination finding against Aaron and Melissa Klein, who turned away a lesbian couple.

How Religious Right Wants Discrimination Put Back Into Law

How the religious right is conspiring to put discrimination back into law.

Oregon Appeals Court Upholds Discrimination Ruling Against Antigay Bakers

The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, who refused service to a lesbian couple, don't get a religious exemption from state law, the court ruled.

Supreme Court Sends Oregon Wedding Cake Case Back to State

The state should reconsider the discrimination case in light of Masterpiece Cakeshop, the high court rules.

2019 Supreme Court Preview: Danger Ahead

The court, with a new conservative majority, has been asked to hear cases on the trans military ban, antigay discrimination, and religious refusals.