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Andrew Scott: harness-wearing hottie

Spank all of us, Daddy Drew! The All of Us Strangers and Ripley actor is making us SWEAT with anticipation.


Season 5 of Project Runway wants you to know that delusional talentless contestants are back!

Chocolate News

The Advocates: Expert advice on life -- as you live it.

Drag Race's Trixie Mattel: 'I Actually Thought I Would Win'

The Advocate spoke with RuPaul's Drag Race's Trixie Mattel after she sashayed away for the second time.

Goodbye, last interesting person

It's week 14 of American Idol. That means you've been watching this show for almost four solid months. A little sad, isn't it?

'She crumbled in my chubby little hand'

In week 3 of Dave White's American Idol recaps, nothing happens that you haven't seen in previous weeks of audition shows. But that doesn't mean it's not 100% amazing.

How I Got My Mojo Back After a Trip to N'awlins

A return to New Orleans arouses long-buried desires.

Giuliani, With Pants Half-Down, Got Transphobic After 'Borat' Prank

Giuliani described Sacha Baron Cohen as wearing "a pink trangender outfit" in a controversial scene in the comedian's new film.

STUDY: Can You Tell He’s a Bottom Just by Looking?

A recent study suggests that the whole world knows I’m a bottom — and they can tell by just looking at my face.

Artist Spotlight Alexander Guerra

Over the past year and a half, Guerra has unleashed his Rabbit army on the world, immortalizing his Rabbit in Paris, Tokyo, Rome, Beijing, and Sydney. His self-portraits become both his souvenir and the postcard sent home.

Aruba Proves the Caribbean Is Finally Warming Up to LGBTQ Travelers

The most famous of the "ABC Islands" is a destination for everyone, writes Diane Anderson-Minshall.

Owning Slurs, Battling Hate: Maricon Collective

With their art, the four gay Latinos behind Maricon Collective are saying to the world, "We exist."

Over 40 Last-Minute Gifts for Techies, Travelers

You know those first adopters? We've got something they'll like (but so will you!).

How Demi Lovato's Billboard Appearance Takes Aim at HB 2

Lovato sang her pop hit, "Cool For The Summer," while wearing a T-shirt that shows support for the transgender community. 

Op-ed: RIP Gay Clubs and Their Affirming Debauchery

Dance palaces for us are shuttering from Moscow to Vegas, and it's not just bad House music we're losing.

For wary conservatives afraid of bipartisanship, all eyes on Bush

Every time President Bush makes an overture to Democrats--and he makes plenty these days--conservative Republicans get edgy. They fear he might be so willing to cross the aisle that he will end up crossing them.

14 Homo Heartbreak Hits for Valentine's Day

Why suffer quietly on the world's crummiest holiday when you can crank up these tunes, belt out lovelorn lyrics, and sashay away the pain?

Captain Save-A-Ho

This week's Project Runway = ruined sewing machines + hetero male rage + ugly pockets for Twiggy

Pop a squat

An alternative-universe Jennifer Lopez guides the contestants toward the light on this week's American Idol. A bewildered Dave White translates...