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LGBTQ+ people are at a higher risk of 'adverse brain health:' study

LGBTQ+ adults are at a 15 percent higher risk of composite brain health outcomes — including dementia, strokes, and late-life depression, according to a new study.

Minority leader

Barely out of high school, blogger Steven Emmanuel is changing lives with

Seattle Bans Conversion Therapy for Minors

The Emerald City becomes the 10th jurisdiction to make such a move.

Puerto Rico Is Banning Conversion Therapy for Minors

The harmful practice will be banned within 90 days. 

Finish the Job: Ban Conversion Therapy for Minors

We must end "ex-gay" operations in the U.S., so we can then focus on eliminating them overseas, writes Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out.

Antigay Archbishop Accused of Sexually Assaulting Minor

Archbishop John C. Nienstedt of Minneapolis has taken a leave of absence while authorities investigate allegations of inappropriate touching during a photo shoot.

GOP’s 2024 platform mirrors extremist Project 2025 as threat to women, LGBTQ+ people, and minorities

The Republican Party is playing with language to appear less extreme than it actually is.

Hawaii Bans 'Ex-Gay' Therapy on Minors

The Aloha State is the 12th to do so.

Oregon to Ban 'Ex-Gay' Therapy for Minors

The Oregon Senate today followed the House in passing a bill banning the practice, which Gov. Kate Brown is expected to sign into law.

Univ. of Louisiana Offers LGBT Minor

The school is the first university in the state to offer an LGBT-oriented minor.

Homophobia can 'increase cancer risk' in LGBTQ+ people, report finds

The American Cancer Society has found that queer people frequently experience "minority stress" in health care settings, leading to an "elevated prevalence" of cancer risk factors.

Minority Report

By reframing marriage equality as a civil right, two African-American governors have become leading voices for gay rights.

PHOTOS: Minor White at the Getty

White believed the camera was a tool for self-discovery, but his photographs illuminate the viewer as well.

Minority Outreach Crucial for No on 8

Minority voters could make or break California's proposed marriage ban on Election Day. As efforts to overturn the state supreme court's May ruling come to a head, the campaign to keep marriage equality is at its peak for a third of the electorate.

Minorities Are Under Attack. Trump Must Respond

Recent attacks on LGBT centers, mosques, and Jewish cemeteries highlight how different communities must stand together against hatred, writes HRC's Mary Beth Maxwell.