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mitch mcconnell criticism

GOP Lawmaker Calls Teenage Senate Pages 'Little Sh*ts'

He screamed “f**k” and “sh*t” continually as he went on a tirade against the 16 and 17-year-old kids.

Mitch McConnell will leave Senate with egregiously anti-LGBTQ+ record

The Republican, who announced Thursday that he will not run for reelection in 2026, has a record of opposition to LGBTQ+ equality.

Blame Mitch McConnell if you’re scared and angry

Mitch McConnell closes out his Senate career with misplaced repentance, writes John Casey in an op-ed.

Fury Over SCOTUS Nom for Scalia Acolyte Amy Coney Barrett

Donald Trump has made the official announcement that Barrett is his choice.


Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed to Supreme Court

The right-wing judge's confirmation gives conservatives a 6-3 majority on the nation's highest court, with major implications for LGBTQ+ rights, health care, and more.


40+ senators oppose anti-LGBTQ+, anti-abortion provisions in spending bills

Led by Jeff Merkley, Tammy Baldwin, and Cory Booker, they have sent a letter to Appropriations Committee leaders.

Eight times Kyrsten Sinema let down the LGBTQ+ community — and others

Sinema, the first out bisexual in the U.S. House and then the Senate, came into office as a liberal but moved to the right.

Mitch McConnell: Frozen in Time, Literally

Can the GOP call Biden feeble while McConnell falls, freezes, and fumbles?

More GOPers Denounce Roy Moore, While Trump Lambastes His Opponent

Democrat Doug Jones "would be a disaster" as a U.S. senator from Alabama, Trump tweets, but more and more leading Republicans say Moore would be. 

John Thune, South Dakota Republican senator with a poor LGBTQ+ rights record, elected as majority leader

Thune, a senator from South Dakota, has differed with Donald Trump at times but now says he's committed to Trump's agenda.

Kyrsten Sinema Proves LGBTQ+ Representation Isn't Everything

A federal minimum wage hike, which the bisexual senator voted against, would have lifted up many in her own community.

Right-Wingers Claim Gay Republicans Fundamentally 'Wrong'

Two gay candidates for the U.S. House and a gay-friendly nominee for the Senate are 'wrong on critical, foundational issues,' say the archconservative organizations.

Senate ethics committee proceeds with Craig review

To the dismay of fellow Republicans, Sen. Larry Craig launched a determined drive to save his seat on Wednesday, vowing to stay in office if allowed to withdraw his guilty plea in a men's room sex sting.

Mitch McConnell's Hypocritical Call for Bipartisanship Gets Dragged

Among the critics is Dan Rather, who says maybe there needs to be a new word for chutzpah.

Mitch McConnell Suffers Frightening Episode During Press Conference

The Republican leader suddenly stopped talking and stared off into the distance during his weekly press conference.

Trump Is Horrible, But Mitch McConnell Is Really Destroying America

By abusing power, the Senate majority leader has held back progress on everything from LGBTQ rights to environmental protections. He must go.

Steven Menashi May Be Trump's Most Dangerous Judicial Nom Yet

Robin Maril of the Human Rights Campaign rings the alarm on this homophobe, who is up for a confirmation vote on Wednesday.

Van Jones on Trump Speech: 'He Became POTUS in That Moment'

Jones, known for his strong criticism of Trump, had a more positive reaction last night.

Antigay Judge Nominated by Trump Is Confirmed to Federal Court

John K. Bush, confirmed today to the Sixth Circuit, has objected to rulings against sodomy laws and likened abortion to slavery.

Toxic Republican Loses in West Virginia, But Winner's Anti-LGBT

Don Blankenship won't be the state's Republican Senate nominee, but its anti-LGBT attorney general will.