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moderate republican

Opinion: Cowards like ‘moderate’ Sen. Susan Collins prove that the U.S. Senate is now Trump’s Duma

Collins, Murkowski, Cassidy, and Tillis were supposed to be a bulwark against Trump, but now they’re his comrades, writes John Casey.

View to Washington: Inclusive Republicans

A crop of inclusive Republicans like N.Y. assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava are challenging formerly predictable trends about which party presents pro-LGBT candidates.

Rusted Steele

New GOP chairman Michael Steele was supposed to be a breath of fresh air, especially on gay issues. Instead, he's been a disappointment.

Cabin Fever

The gay and lesbian organization Log Cabin Republicans has decided to sit out the Republican primary by not endorsing a candidate. Why aren't they backing Rudy Giuliani, the most pro-gay Republican White House contender in history?

GOP Sen. Susan Collins a Yes on Kavanaugh, Solidifying Confirmation

Collins sides with Trump's SCOTUS nominee, who stands accused of sexual assault and appeared to perjure himself in front of the Senate. Kavanaugh will likely be confirmed now.

Senate's Whip Count for Marriage Equality Just Got Better

Angus King, the popular former governor, will replace retiring Republican moderate Olympia Snowe.

Gay Democrat Challenges GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert With Vow to End 'BS'

Alex Walker made headlines with a scatological video launching his campaign against the anti-LGBTQ+ Republican, but he has much to say on the issues as well.

How Once-Moderate Bush Got Hijacked by the Religious Right

Our October 1992 cover story explores how George H.W. Bush -- desperate to be reelected -- formed an unholy alliance that haunts us still. 

George Pataki: The Pro-Marriage Equality Republican President?

He hasn't held office since 2006, but George Pataki says he's ready to be the next president of the United States.

WATCH: Will Obama Pick This GOP Gov. for SCOTUS?

Gov. Brian Sandoval is Latino, a GOP moderate and reportedly a potential nominee to fill the vacancy created by the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Gay Candidate Wins New York Congressional Primary

Sean Patrick Maloney, a gay former aide to President Bill Clinton, won the Democratic primary and will face Rep. Nan Hayworth, who has a moderate reputation on LGBT rights compared to some other Tea Party-backed Republicans.

Congress Drops Hate Crimes From Department of Defense Bill

Congress has dropped legislation that would have expanded hate-crimes laws to include attacks on gays after it became clear the measure wouldn't pass the House, aides said Thursday. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Edward Kennedy, was widely supported by Democrats and even some moderate Senate Republicans. But because it was attached to a major Department of Defense policy bill that would have authorized more money for the Iraq war, many antiwar Democrats said they would oppose it.

Log Cabin Disagrees with RNC Chair's Stance on Civil Unions

The Log Cabin Republicans are sending mixed signals in an email to members -- denouncing Republican Party Chief Michael Steele's (pictured) latest comments on civil unions in the text while congratulating Steele in the subject line.

Ruben Gallego Leads Kyrsten Sinema, GOPers in Arizona U.S. Senate Poll

With Sinema proving a disappointment to liberals, Gallego is challenging her.

Christine Hallquist Loses Race to Become First Trans Governor

She lost the Vermont race to popular Republican incumbent Phil Scott.