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mormon college students

Dixon Dallas Talks About His Viral Gay Country Song That You Have to Hear to Believe

“Call him ‘Daddy’ while I holler man, that boy so damn good looking,” a portion of the lyrics go.

Brigham Young Valedictorian Comes Out as Gay in Graduation Speech

"I am proud to be a gay son of God," this year's political science valedictorian and practicing Mormon Matt Easton told the crowd. 

Will College Football Make LDS Church Finally Tolerate LGBTs?

A sports controversy at the Mormons' flagship university may make the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints choose between homophobia and millions of dollars.

After BYU Revives Antigay Honor Code, LGBTQ Students Urged to Transfer

A crowdfunding campaign was launched to help LGBTQ students leave Brigham Young University.

Which Is Sinful — Marriage Equality or Homophobia?

Two religions offer two views of sin.

Orrin Hatch, Who Once Likened Gays to Nazis, Calls for LGBTQ Rights

The Utah senator's farewell speech included a call for the protection of LGBTQ Americans from "invidious discrimination."

Op-ed: No More Chastity Diplomas

Why can't religious colleges stop policing sex among students?

The Mormon Church: Oppressed or Oppressor?

A brief history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' complicated relationship with persecution.

Student Caught on Video Using Antigay Slur, Defacing Art Has Left BYU

The incident came on top of a former Brigham Young University president urging the use of "muskets" to fight LGBTQ+ equality, and the student has now left the Mormon school.


Photo Finish

Did Prop. 8 backlash cause art censorship -- or its reversal -- at Brigham Young University? Could be, as BYU photography student J. Michael Wiltbank found when his contribution to a two-week-long art exhibition -- eight pairs of benign portraits, each depicting an LGBT-identified BYU student alongside a supportive friend -- had been removed.

These 102 Colleges Are the "Absolute Worst"

If you're LGBT and pursuing higher education, you'll want to avoid the 102 unfriendly schools listed on Campus Pride's first Shame List.

Undercover: 5 Lessons Taught at the NOM Youth Conference

An undercover gay blogger attended the National Organization for Marriage's annual conference for young people and was met with its view on pedophilia, hookup sites, and menstruating moms.

The closer we get

Brigham Young University Adds Explicit Ban on 'Same-Sex Romantic Behavior' to Honor Code

Students say Brigham Young University is policing this behavior even more than its parent church does.

Changes Within the Mormon Church Are Too Little, Too Late

Announcing the end of "the exclusion policy" is a positive step. However, the damage the church has wreaked means it's all too little, too late

Stanford Mocks BYU's Anti-LGBTQ+ Policies in 'Gay Chicken' Skit

Stanford University later apologized for the football halftime performance.

Mascot at Mormon University BYU Comes Out as Gay

Charlie Bird, who won widespread popularity as Cosmo the Cougar, is now working for change in the Mormon Church.

Here Are the Worst Colleges for LGBTQ+ Students in the U.S.

The list, pulled together by Campus Pride, names 180 campuses that the group says are unsafe for queer youth.