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national voter registration day

74% of LGBTQ+ Americans prefer Kamala Harris: HRC report

Overwhelming majorities across all ages, races, and ethnicities plan to get to the polls in November.

Trans Activists Join GLAAD for National Voter Registration Day

Jamie Clayton, Jazz Jennings, Elliot Fletcher, and other trans icons urge their community to make their voices heard this November.

Freedoms for LGBTQ+ Americans Are on the Ballot: Make A Plan to Vote

Voters must choose lawmakers who will work to protect their privacy, private health decisions, and decisions personally affecting them and their families. 

The Most Important Thing You Can Do Right Now

Register to vote like your life depends on it. Oh, right, it does.

LGBTQ Activists Making Final Push for Pro-Equality Votes

As the midterms approach, organizers are working tirelessly in key states.

How to register to vote: Here's what you need to know to participate in the 2024 election

With ID laws potentially blocking some citizens from voting, here's how to make sure you vote in this year's crucial election.

Op-ed: Yes, Your Vote Is Being Suppressed

LGBT voters of all races, genders, and economic levels are meeting more roadblocks to vote than anyone would have imagined in 2014.

Trump's Pick for Civil Rights Enforcer Defended HB 2

John Gore, chosen as assistant attorney general for civil rights, also defended voter suppression laws.

The 'Don't Boo, Vote' Effect Will Take Down Trump

The real evaluation of Trump's candidacy will come on Election Day.

Pat Steadman Fights to Turn Colorado Blue

Since Colorado's Amendment 2 changed the state constitution to prohibit new laws to protect lesbians and gays from discrimination in 1992, LGBT activist Pat Steadman has been at the forefront of Colorado's equal rights battle. Now, for the first time since that year, Colorado looks like it could well swing Democrat in November's election, thanks in large part to the work of Steadman and Equal Rights Colorado.

Rachel Maddow Calls Trump's Refusal to Concede Election 'Insane'

The out MSNBC anchor, along with several members of Trump's own party, have criticized the Republican nominee for his performance in the third debate.

Florida's Marriage Amendment Battle Sure To Be A Squeaker

Polls show Florida's gay marriage ban is just shy of the 60% support needed to pass, but the state's complicated demographics make the outcome of the vote anyone's guess. One thing is certain: Amendment 2's sweeping nature would affect far more people than the gays and lesbians it's targeting.

Is Virginia Really For Lovers?

Equality Virginia takes stock of state politics since the marriage ban passed in 2006 and finds that even conservative Republicans are starting to think twice before targeting LGBTs.

Day of Silence Goes Virtual But Stays Visible

LGBTQ youth will still draw attention to silence and erasure, then break the silence with a livestreamed rally.

Charlie Crist Comes Out as a Democrat

The former governor of Florida makes it official.

Virginia's Marriage Amendment

The antigay Virginia marriage amendment may have passed with 57% of the vote in 2006, but it also prodded thousands of LGBT activists to action, laying the groundwork for the presidential election in 2008.

The World as It Should Be

Michelle Obama states her case for why an Obama presidency would make for an LGBT-friendlier America.

Mike Johnson Laments the Number of Queer Kids in GOP Fundraising Email

Johnson had made a similar statement in an interview with a right-wing activist shortly before he became House speaker.

Matthew Shepard's Parents Won't Be a 'Photo Op' to Hide Trump's Hate

Judy and Dennis Shepard reflect on the 10th anniversary of the hate-crimes law bearing their son's name, which is the subject of a new Oxygen special.

Florida 'Vote Trump or Else' Email Claims to Be From Proud Boys

A queer voter who received the threatening email shared it with the state's largest LGBTQ+ rights group, which is calling for a federal investigation.